Page 34 of Stalked

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My eyebrows furl at her words. I’m glowering at Vienna, waiting for an explanation.

“You said you’d be here at seven-thirty,” she peeps, swallowing visibly and pointing at my printed schedule. “I thought you’d prefer I didn’t bother you with it over the weekend. Since, you know, you were going to be here for it, anyway.”

“You don’tthinkanything, Vienna, without running it by me first. I could’ve easily slept in at the last minute and missed the first woman on my first day.”

I don’t raise my voice. Not when we’re about to have company any minute now. Not when my growl is more intimidating than if I barked at her.

“They aremypatients.” I slap the paper on her desk. “Failing them, any of them, is unacceptable.”

“Yes, Dr. Wentworth.” Vienna purses her lips together, wringing her hands. “It won’t happen again.”

When I’m confident I got the message through, I suck in a long inhale. I smooth out my features into a pleasing, calm expression.

“Where’s Bonnie?” My gaze returns to my receptionist, and I can sense it’s darkening. “Don’t tell me you haven’t informed her either.”

Unlike Vienna, Bonnie isn’t a new employee. My secretary from San Francisco wasn’t willing to make the move, despite the compensation I offered her because she wasn’t willing to leave her elderly parents behind. Bonnie, my assistant, came here with me. It helped that I worked my connections to help her husband find a new job.

“No, no.” Blotches of red cover Vienna’s cheeks. “I have, but her husband’s shift started at six and her babysitter couldn’t make it this early. But don’t worry, she told me how you liked everything. I hope I organized your exam room to your satisfaction. Bonnie said there’s this one thing she needs to pick up on the way over, but that you should be good without it until she’s here. Didn’t tell me what it was, I’m sorry.”

“All right.”

I’m not an unreasonable man. I’m aware moving here means being away from Bonnie’s extended family. As long as she instructed Vienna and, evidently, did it well, I can’t complain.

I snatch the printed paper from the counter. “I’ll be in my exam room, waiting. Let…”

I look over the first name on the list and nearly choke on air.

“Dr. Wentworth?”

“Yes.” Clearing my throat, I look up at her. “Let Prue Bishop in when she arrives.”

The name I groaned in the darkness of my apartment many times over the weekend. The woman whose tits I had in my mouth, whose orgasms I commanded.

Whose virginity I took like a fucking trophy.

The human body is a curious machine. One moment, you’re calm and in control of your senses. Shoulders relaxed, heart rate regular, dick flaccid.

Then, with a mention of something as supposedly minuscule as a goddamn name, you’re lit up. My nerve endings fire up as if they were the love child of a Christmas tree and Fourth of July fireworks. Yes, they had an orgy inside me, and this is the result.

That’s what it fucking feels like.

“Okay, Dr. Wentworth,” my receptionist sing-songs, her life getting back on track.

Mine is anything but.

I twist away from Vienna, grasping at one side of my coat to hide my inappropriate, growing erection.

Think,I inwardly yell at myself.Think fast and think hard about how you want to handle this.

Prue will be here in…I check my watch…less than a minute. I have less than a minute to analyze the situation and decide what to do with her.

Did she know who I was when she scheduled the appointment?

Did she see the sign on my clinic that says ‘Dr. Theodore Wentworth’ earlier last week and just didn’t connect the dots?

She could’ve been too tired, too busy, too emotionally overwhelmed to put two and two together.

After all, she only knows her neighbor’s name is Theo. It’s a common name.
