Page 82 of Stalked

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She’s also mine.

Prue continues to relay to me how she graduated high school at fifteen, how she wrapped up her BS in nursing in three years and completed her physician assistant program after that. Of how she worked throughout and paid for her education and a private eye to find her parents and failed at it.

The tears begin when she unfolds the story of never being adopted. She’d experienced painful rejection foryears.

Of course, the cherry on top is the story of her father and his deplorable attempt to blackmail her.

By the time she finishes, her limbs are limp, and she’s curled into my embrace.

The water has cooled again, and I slowly slip out of her. I’m about to help us both out and back to the bed, where I’ll swear to her up and down her days of being alone are gone.

“Theo?” Her voice stops me mid-movement.

“Yes?” My eyes and hers connect. Mine are full of promises.

Hers are petrified. “Having second thoughts?”

“Why would you ask that?” I flip her in my arms. We’re chest to chest, nose to nose. “I wouldnever.”

Prue rests her hands on my shoulders for balance. “Maybe you’re starting to consider why the others passed up on me. Why even my father, after so many years, showed up demanding money instead of his daughter.”

Storm clouds gather behind my eyes. And I snap.

“I never worry myself with idiots, never wonder what the fuck’s wrong with others,” I seethe, breathing fire. “Some people will be good, and that’s great. Some will be downright awful, and it’s on them. Those who didn’t choose you? Fuck them. Zeke? He can go straight to hell. I—”

I’m stuck. I itch to tell her about what a morally broken human I am for breaking into her place and touching her while she sleeps. I can’t.

Today has been too much on her as is.

“Look, I’m not a product of society. I have my own set of eyes, ears, and brains. And I want you. No doubts, no regrets. You’re mine as I am yours. The rest doesn’t matter. Never will.”

I kiss her tears away. I hug her through her sobs.

I dry her off and take her to bed, where we spend the rest of the Sunday.





“Please,” Prue hums as I plop a piece of sushi into the soy sauce, preparing to feed her dinner.

Sure, she can eat on her own. She can do a shitload more by herself. But as long as I’m around, for as long as she lets me, I’m taking care of her.

We each sit on a stool around the counter in my kitchen, bathed in the warm glow of the low-hanging lights.

Well, that’s not the entire truth. Prue doesn’t just glow.

She exudes light. She is the light.

Wearing my T-shirt that reaches her thighs and nothing else, with her hair sprawled in waves down her shoulder and on her chest, she’s my own personal sun. There’s a golden halo surrounding her, emanating deep from within.

I’d like to believe that being here, pampered and looked after, loved, and fucked until she’s boneless, had a hand in it.

I know better, though. She’s had it in her all along.

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