Page 95 of Stalked

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“I see you’re very wet again.” Theo runs a finger along my inner thigh, stressing his point. “For research purposes, when your boyfriend—the guy who put his fingers in you…Am I correct to assume he’s your boyfriend?”

He’s claiming me, even in the scene, he claims me. Heat, real heat, spreads across me from head to toe, and I have to suppress a smile.

“Yes, he’s my boyfriend,” I affirm, though he’s much more than this lukewarm title.

Theo leaves my thigh, and my curiosity propels me to see why. And oh, dear heavens, he’s sucking them in his mouth, staring back at me as though it does nothing to him.

“Eyes forward,” he commands, and I comply. “So, when he had his fingers up your ass, were you this wet too?”

“Yes.” Looking straight ahead, hidden from his reproaching glare, I allow myself a quick smile. “I’m always so very wet for him.”

“I see.” Neither satisfaction nor approval of me reflects in his voice.

Why would there be? He’s my gyno. Doing his…sort of job.

A belt is unbuckled. A fly is yanked.

“Legs spread wide.”

My body is hauled back, my hips raised for my doctor.

“Next step is, Ms. Bishop,”—the first squirt of more lube lands directly on my pucker, the second I assume is for Theo’s dick—“I’m going to sink my penis in your rectum. I’ll stretch your anus, your insides. It should help with this intense heat you’re experiencing.”

He lines his throbbing, lubed tip to my ass. His hands spread me as far as my body will go. Though he barely pushes me, it already burns.

The pressure on the nerves is nothing like when he had his fingers there.

I don’t move. Don’t dare defy him. However, I do have to ask, “Will it hurt?”

“I should hope so.” He pushes in harder, and my ass clenches to stop him.

The endorphins blend with adrenaline. My fear of him, of the pain he promises, grows and chokes me.

“Don’t resist me.”

Theo rears back, spanking my butt cheek with his cock, then spreads his wetness on my flesh.

Humiliating me.

My doctor definitely possesses a plethora of methods on how to handle my condition.

“This is the only solution offered by medical literature to grant you relief in that area.”

I suck in air, remembering how exquisite it felt to come when his fingers rammed into me and his cock pummeled into my pussy. Slowly, I relax.

“You’ll find out soon the lengths I’ll go to help my patients.” The heat of his palms sears my flesh as he pulls me closer to him, stretching my asshole wider. “In case the treatment I’m administering becomes unbearable, you have my permission to rub your clit. Or you can saystop.”

“Okay,” I whisper.

“Last thing.” His chest lowers, the warmth of his body scorching my back. His fingers tangle in my long locks, fisting them. “I’ll need to hold your hair. To keep it away from your face.”

I slant my head back toward him. To his impassioned expression that contrasts his diabolical eyes. He’s removed his white coat, rolled the sleeves up his lean forearms. The two bottom buttons of his white shirt exposing him to me.

Theo’s thick cock stands erect. Imposing and thick, the vein on it pulsing.

A sadistic sex lord personified.

“To check the effectiveness of the treatment...” He tugs my hair harder, straining the roots. “Push your ass toward me. Let me in, Ms. Bishop.”
