Page 53 of This Spells Love

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“Oh my gosh, Gemma, it is so great to see you!”

I hold out my hands and meet her embrace, looking from her to the man with her as we squeeze. She is petite and Asian, with a short black bob and a stylish leather jacket. The man is white and exceptionally tall, with sandy-colored hair and a plain blue polo shirt.

I am 100 percent sure I’ve not met either of these people in my life.

But inthislife, we are on hugging terms.

“This is Dax.” I try the age-old trick of introducing the person whose name you know first, hoping the unidentified parties will follow by introducing themselves. It works. As they shake Dax’s hand, she introduces herself as Lux, he as Leo.

“So, how do you know Gemma?” Dax asks, and I’m as eager to hear the answer as he is.

“The three of us used to sail together down at the harbor,” Lux explains. “Leo and Gemma took lessons on Mondays, Gemma and I took lessons on Wednesdays. She thought the two of us would hit it off, and she introduced us.”

Leo puts his arm around Lux’s shoulders and pulls her tight to his chest. She looks up at him in this adoring way. You can practically see the cartoon hearts floating between them.

“We sort of lost touch with you after classes ended,” Lux explains. “But we’re so happy we ran into you because…” Shethrusts out her left hand. There’s a gorgeous emerald on her ring finger. It’s almost as big as her smile. “We’re getting married in August. You obviously need to be there, Gemma. You too, Dax.”

I squeal because they’re engaged, and it’s so obvious it’s true love. It’s a tiny bit overwhelming. Hearing about this life I’ve lived but wasn’t present for.

I remember wanting to take sailing lessons years ago. It was right before I graduated with my degree. I was at the edge of adulthood and thinkingnew world, new me,and maybe it was time to take a baby step outside of my comfort zone. Sailing seemed like a doable leap. But then I met Stuart. He wasn’t a fan of the water, so I never ended up pursuing it. There have been a few points when I’ve regretted not signing up for those classes over the years. And sitting here recalling memories Other Gemma lived with Lux and Leo, I am regretting that choice even more now.

“We should celebrate our reunion.” Leo gets up from his seat. “Let me buy a round.” He heads to the bar and returns several minutes later with a round of drinks.

“So…” Lux points at Dax and me. “How did the two of you meet?”

My stomach clenches in panic because the absolute last thing I want tonight is to relive our disastrous first meeting. But before I can form a nice way of explaining that I had a meltdown in Dax’s store, he presses his knee to mine, a silent exchange that says,I got you, don’t worry,as he smiles back at Lux. “Our stores are down the street from each other. We kept running into each other.”

Lux nods and moves on to another topic. I’m only half listening, too focused on the heat from Dax’s leg pressed to mine and the familiar feeling in my chest of knowing, no matter what, that this man will always have my back.

“Tell me…” The sudden heightened pitch of Lux’s voice draws me back into the conversation. “How long have the two of you been dating?”

My cheeks flare. “We’re just friends,” I answer automatically.

“Oh, I didn’t realize.” Lux’s cheeks flush a pretty shade of red. “You guys seem so…I just assumed—Leo is always telling me I love to jump to conclusions.”

Her eyes shift to my shoulder. It’s only then that I realize Dax’s arm is resting lightly on the back of my chair. Sometime between our leaving my store and now, he’s rolled up his sleeves, exposing a few inches of his muscular forearms. He lets go of my seat, dropping his hand to his side as if the back of my chair has suddenly turned hot. I immediately notice it’s missing.

The moment of awkwardness dissipates as, once again, the conversation shifts to James Street and reviewing all of the new restaurants that have popped up over the last year.

The next hour is filled with more talking. More laughter. More memories of this life I don’t remember living.

I can see how Other Gemma instantly bonded with both Lux and Leo. I completely understand why she—I—thought they made the perfect match.

Lux launches into another sailing story about a time we almost capsized our boat on the lake.

Dax tilts his head close to mine. “Are you having a good time?” His low whisper is only loud enough for me to hear.

“I really am,” I whisper back.

He smiles. “I can tell. You look happy. And very beautiful.”

The last part seems to startle him as much as it does me. As if he didn’t mean to say it out loud. But now that he has, it hangs there between us. A declaration. An offer ofwhat if?

And I’m tempted.

Tempted to scooch my hand two inches to the left and rest iton his thigh. To feel the hard muscle underneath with the possibility that if I play things right later tonight, I could touch a whole lot more. I won’t deny that the idea feels right. That even though we’re a perfect fit as friends, we could be as good as something more if only I’d let myself try.

But then my brain takes charge.
