Page 50 of Savage King

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Rose and I spent all night talking in front of that damned ugly ass tree, and by the time she fell asleep, I couldn’t turn off the twinkling lights. Despite my legitimate fears about a fire. So, I spent most of the night with one eye open instead of getting some much-needed rest. My penthouse is perfectly decorated with all the designer touches, but nothing brought warmth like that scrawny, brown thing.

My phone vibrates, tearing my thoughts from my new roommate to my cell. As soon as Rose told me what she’d overheard at the Christmas tree lot, I had Tony find out everything he could on Gemini Corp. Clara had mentioned the name in one of those inane weekly reports that I barely skimmed. Now I had to pay attention.

I jab the call answer button. “What did you find?”

“Not much, unfortunately. Gemini Corp is a privately held company, so they’re not required to publish much of anything.”

“Just like King Industries.”

“Yup.” He pops the P and for some reason, it grates on my last sleep-deprived nerve.

“What about Feng? Any word on the street about his interaction with Rose? Does he know who she is? If he thinks she overheard something—” I bite off the rest of the sentence, the prickle of fear robbing the remaining words.

“Nothing, boss. But I’ve got all the guys on it. If Rose’s name or even her description gets picked up in the rumor mill, we’ll hear about it.”

“Good.” My fingers curl into fists, nails digging into my skin. “And Dr. Mark?”

“Still M.I.A., but according to the sign at his office, the practice opens on Monday, so he’ll have to show up eventually.”

“Stay on it, understand?”

“Sure, thing.”

“And Tony, step up our game with the Red Dragons. I want two taken out every day.”

“Are you serious?”

“Do I sound serious?” I growl. “That asshole is giving me the run around, and I’m tired of it.”

“Dante, the Lower East Side is already a powder keg. You do that and it’s going to set off—”

“I don’t care,” I shout. “Give the order.” Rose rolls over on the couch, a soft sigh pursing her lips.

“Will do, boss.”

I jab my finger into the call end button and shove my cell into my pocket.

“Good morning, sunshine.” Rose’s rough, sleepy voice sends the irritation dribbling right out of me.

“Sorry if I woke you,” I mumble.

“I like waking up to the sound of your voice.” Her brows knit, and she presses her lips into a tight line as if they’d spilled out without her consent. She straightens and brings her knees to her chest, tucking in those long, sexy bare legs. “Guess I fell asleep on the couch, huh?”

I nod. “I didn’t want to move you. You seemed so comfortable.”

“I was.” Her brows pucker again as if she was surprised at the admission. She’s not the only one. I spent most of the night with her head on my lap, though I’d be damned if I admitted that to her.

I jerk my thumb over my shoulder toward the study. “I have some work to do today, so….”

“Oh, yeah, no worries. I have to get going anyway. I have a nine o’clock class to teach.”


“Um, yeah, it’s the twenty-sixth. Palestra is open, remember?”

I mutter a curse and drag my hand through my wild hair. “Can’t you postpone it for a few more days?”

“No! I just got the job, Dante. I can’t ask for more days off.”
