Page 98 of Savage King

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“So, it’s not true that the necessary supplies have been misplaced?” A glint of humor curls the edge of his lip, and I clench my fingers into a fist to keep from ramming him through with my pocketknife.

“Not at all true.” I pause and spear him with a glare that would have my guys pissing their pants. The fucker doesn’t even flinch. “Why? Would you happen to know anything about that?”

“No, not at all,amico. Why would I? That sounds like back alley, black market dealings, and Gemini Corporation has nothing to do with those sorts of questionable transactions.”

“Of course not.” I force another smile, but I’m certain it comes off a twisted sneer.

“I’m sorry Mr. Valentino, but I’m a busy man.”Beware the fury of a patient man. Papà’s words choose that moment to infiltrate my thoughts.Nico looms over me, a thick strand of dark hair coming free from that stupid man bun. “Is there anything else I can do for you today?”

I slowly rise and fold back my sleeves, taking my time until black ink spills out from beneath the pristine white. “Actually, there is,” I finally say. “I came to deliver a friendly warning. If you fuck with the Kings, you’ll pay for it in blood.”

“Thank you, for that barely veiled threat, Dante. I’ll keep it in mind.” He hops off the table and offers that ingratiating smile. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have some important matters to attend to. An unexpected visitor showed up a few weeks ago, and I can’t seem to leave him unattended for more than a few hours or he gets into no good.”

My brows furrow as I process his words. So far, every point of conversation has been succinct and to the point. Why would he offer such random information? “Good luck with that,” I finally bite out.

He spins on his heel and marches to the door. It swings open, and the blonde female from earlier reappears. “Melanie, will you escort our visitor off my property?” He takes a step then whirls back. “Oh, one more thing, Dante, if we’re doling out friendly warnings, here’s one for you: the sins of the father frequently fall upon the son.”

The hair on the back of my neck prickles, but before I can get a word out, thefiglio di puttanamarches out, leaving me alone with the smiling blonde. What the fuck does that mean?




“Pick up, damn it, Rose. Pick up.” I stare at the half bar of reception on my phone once I’m out of the elevator and quicken my stride to reach the exit of Gemini Corp tower. Full bars now. It rings again and again, each unanswered tone ratcheting up my blood pressure.

I’m so distracted by the fact that she’s not answering, I don’t even notice the limo isn’t where Aldo left me. Tearing my attention from my phone, I glance down Park Avenue. Now where did that idiot go?

Returning to Rose’s smiling face on my screen, I press the call button again. The rumble of an approaching engine forces my gaze up but only long enough to catch a glimpse at the black vehicle.Finally.

The voicemail answers again and this time, I leave a message. “Answer me Rose, please. As soon as you get this call me back. It’s urgent.”

I jab my finger at the red button, then sweep my finger toward the green to try again when the slap of heavy footfalls jerks my attention up. Piercing pain lances into the back of my skull, and I mutter a curse as a hood is yanked over my head. A needle pierces my neck, and my head swims. “No!” Darkness consumes my vision, invading my senses from the inside and out.

“Rose,” I mumble before the endless black pulls me under.

* * *

Icy water splashes over my face, and my lids snap open. I draw in a ragged breath before another frosty spray crashes over me. Muttered curses spill from my lips as the foggy haze begins to recede, and I recognize the sting of the metal manacles around my wrists and ankles. Sprawling rafters stretch out over my head, and the four walls of an empty warehouse coalesce.

“Whoever the fuck did this is going to pay!” I growl.

“Relax,signore.” A familiar voice skates across my eardrums.

Twisting my head around to confirm my suspicions, relief floods my system at the sight of Feng Zhang. Better the devil you know, and all that.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing, dragon?” I hiss.

“Chill out, Dante. I just brought you here to talk.” He moves around me, and half a dozen men emerge from the shadows. Unlike Jianjun’s men, they’re wearing modern attire, carrying guns and all still wearing the Red Dragon crimson.

I glance around the warehouse once more and realization sets in. This is the same place we’d had that stand off all those months ago. When thebastardoset the price on Luca and Stella’s heads.

“So talk, dickhead.”

A sly smile reflects across his dark eyes. “I have information for you.”

“For me?” This I was not expecting. “Do tell….”
