Page 17 of Sold on You

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She murmured something to herself, then said, “I have playing cards right here, and there’s a bag of dice…” She grew quiet for just a moment. “I know the chips are here somewhere. I thought maybe I could learn to play poker with Dara and Bailey sometime, but never got to it.” She disappeared fully into the closet. “Here!” she announced in a muffled voice.

With a triumphant expression, she retrieved a brand-new, unopened revolving poker chip rack.

Ace took the box from her. “Perfect.”

She dragged a game table out of the closet and after she pulled out two padded folding chairs, they carried it all to the living room, where they could play in front of the crackling fire. The cabin had a great heating system, but there was nothing like being in front of a fireplace with someone you cared about.

Or were sweet on.

Ace shuffled the cards. “You know how to play poker?”

“Does Go Fish count?” She gave him an innocent look. “How about Uno?”

Ace couldn’t help laughing. “Not last I heard.”

She smiled. “Well then, I’m pretty much a newbie.”

He explained basic rules for Five Card Draw and showed her an example of how to play.

When he finished, he said, “Ready?”

“You bet.” She sat back in her chair. “I’m ready for that beginner’s luck you always hear about.”

“You having beginner’s luck would just bemyluck,” he said. And wasn’t that the truth. “Speaking of that, we need to decide what to bet on.”

“We already have one bet.” Charlee rested her hands on the table. “So we can bet poker chips instead—most wins.”

Ace shook his head. “We need a real bet for this game.”

She looked thoughtful. “WhenI win, you have to tell me how you got your nickname. I know there’s a story behind it.”

He winced. “All right. But sinceI’mgoing to beat your adorable little butt, I want to take you out on a date when we get back to Prescott.”

Charlee scrunched her cute little nose. “I don’t know…”

“So, don’t call it a date.” He leaned forward. “Let’s call it a fun day out.”

She studied him and drummed her fingers on the table. She held her hand out. “You’re on.”

“Best of five.” Ace inhaled deeply, readying himself. He was determined to win. He’d have a day out planned with Charlee if—when—he won.

They tied after four hands.Charlee sank back in her chair and blew a strand of hair out of her eyes. Exhilaration from their card battle had her rarin’ to go. She had a pile of chips in front of her that made her feel like a high roller. “I like Five Card Draw. I’m going to start having poker games when the girls come to stay at the cabin with me.”

Ace’s pile was just as big and he looked like he was ready to take her on in a fight to the finish. She thought about throwing the game because it would be fun to go somewhere with Ace, but it wasn’t in her to let him win. He’d have to earn it.

“Winner takes all.” Charlee’s blood sang as she leaned forward “And I’m going to take the game.”

Ace shook his head, his sexy blue eyes full of mischief. “This ismine, honey.”

“My deal.” Charlee took the cards and dealt them.

The past couple of hours had passed by in no time as they talked about family and friends. Laughter and teasing had kept her on the edge of her seat.

Ace picked up his cards and immediately frowned. He tried to neutralize his expression, but Charlee had picked up on the frown. He had to work on his poker face, at least what she figured from their time this morning.

“Not a good hand, huh?” She grinned. “Ah, that’s too bad.”

“It’s just fine and dandy.” He gave a sheepish laugh.
