Page 27 of Sold on You

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His lips skimmed hers lightly before he gathered her in his arms and kissed her more fully. For a moment she didn’t know what to do, but then it came so naturally. She kissed him back. Their lips moved together like they had done this a thousand times.

Tingles traveled through her body as she wrapped her arms around his neck. He slipped his tongue through her parted lips and she tasted eggnog and whiskey, and something much more masculine and primal. She answered with a hunger that surprised her. She needed this kiss, neededhim.

They kissed so long her head started to swim. He slid his fingers into her hair, tangling them in the silkiness. She caught her breath at the erotic feel of it. He took advantage of it as he kissed her even harder. She didn’t want the kiss to end, but for some reason she needed to stop, right?


When she didn’t think she could even stand on her own, her knees were so weak, he drew away, but didn’t release her. She tried to breathe again as she stared into his gorgeous eyes.

“That wasn’t a good idea.” Her words came out in a tremble, and she knew it was clear she didn’t mean it. At least not the way her head was feeling right now. Hell, her whole body felt the kiss, all the way to her toes.

“It was the best idea I’ve had all night.” He smiled, gentle yet confident. He lowered his mouth, but this time just brushed his lips over hers. He squeezed her to him in a big bear hug that made her feel warm, wanted, and loved.


When he relaxed his hold, he met her gaze. “Let’s get this mess cleaned up and we’ll figure out what we’re going to do next.”

She nodded slowly, not sure what to say after that kiss. Holy crap, what a freaking fantastic kiss. She’d never been kissed like that, ever.

“Okay.” She stepped back, trying to catch her breath, and he let his palms slide down her arms before he released her. “But first I need a moment. I’ll be right back.”

Charlee did her best not to run as she left and headed to the bedroom and into the master bathroom. She braced her hands on the granite vanity between the twin sinks and tried to catch her breath as she stared at herself in the mirror. Her streaky-blonde hair was wild around her face, her cheeks flushed, and her lips still swollen from his kiss.

She blew out her breath and stared down at the tan and brown granite with flecks of gold in it. But she barely noticed it. She couldn’t get the kiss out of her mind. She couldn’t get Ace out of her mind.

What was she going to do about this? How many more days would they be snowed in? How much could she take being with him, without wanting to bewithhim.

What if she froze? What if she screwed everything up because she couldn’t get beyond her past?

The thought caused her breathing to slow and she squeezed her eyes shut. She hated thinking about what had happened with David Smith. It had been years now, but she’d never been able to let go, had never forgiven herself for falling into his trap, for something that almost got her sister killed.

Her throat ached as she swallowed and opened her eyes.Don’t let that bastard ruin this,a voice said in her head,ruin what could be.

She splashed her face with cold water and tried to breathe. She could do this.

Because this was Ace. The one man who could make her laugh and feel normal, like a woman should feel. He did this for her. He made her feel special and wanted and everything else a woman could want.

The incredible kiss had opened her mind, and maybe even her heart, in ways she hadn’t thought possible ever again.

She straightened and looked at her reflection again. She didn’t know what to make of the look in her eyes. Like a deer caught in the headlights? Or like a woman experiencing something special that she wanted again?

Charlee sucked in a deep breath then let it out slowly before she returned to the living room. She put on a bright smile as she met Ace’s eyes. She cut her gaze to the boxes and saw that he’d put away all the packing materials and put the lids on the boxes.

“You okay?” he said quietly, looking at her like he was afraid she’d run away.

“I’m fine.” She nodded. “We can put everything in one of the spare bedrooms since the tree will only be up for a couple of days.”

Charlee glanced down at the boxes, trying not to look at him right now. She was too wound up, so many feelings and questions tangled up inside.

“We didn’t put stockings up on the mantle.” She lifted the lid to dig in the box she knew the stockings were in. She pulled out one with her name and one without a name on it and set them aside before putting the lid back. Her words came out in a rush as she tried to break the spell he’d cast on her. “We’ll do that after all this is put away.”

He didn’t touch her or get closer than she could handle right now as he helped her tuck the boxes away in the closet of a spare room. The entire time she was so aware of him she could hardly stand not being in his arms again.

What had he done to her?

What was she going to do about it?

