Page 4 of Sold on You

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“You okay, Charlee?” he said after a moment.

“I need help.” She let out an audible sigh. “I didn’t know who else to call.”

And no doubt he would have been last on her list of people to call. Ace would have been amused if concern didn’t have him frowning instead. “What happened?”

Another sigh. “I was driving up Black Bear Road to my cabin and I got a flat tire. I don’t know how to change it and it’s raining like crazy.”

“I’ll head right on up there.” Ace didn’t tease her this time. He strode for the barn door, Ossie at his heels. “Are you safe?”

“Yes.” She didn’t hesitate. “I’m just afraid if I wait, things will get worse.”

“I’d say that’s a sure thing.” He waited just inside the barn before he headed out. The barn shook with the force of the storm. “How far up the road are you?”

“Probably three miles from the highway,” she said. “Almost to my cabin.”

“I’ll be there in twenty.” Good thing his ranch was close to the foothills. “Hold tight.”

“Thanks, Ace,” she added quietly before disconnecting the call.

Ace slid the phone into his pocket. He liked teasing her, but he wouldn’t if he thought she really hated it. He figured she kinda liked him, even if she wouldn’t admit it to anyone, including herself.

What was she doing driving up to the cabin on her own—especially Christmas weekend?

He glanced down at Ossie. “Game for a trip up to Black Bear Road?”

She barked, her eyes bright, clear, and excited.

“Then let’s get on out of here.” Ace shoved the barn door open. Wind and rain blasted him.Hell of a storm kicking in.He headed out of the barn and shut the door firmly behind him.

The truck was across the yard, so he jogged to it, holding his western hat firmly on his head as he ran. Ossie loped at his side.

Being out in a winter storm wasn’t the best thing to be doing, but Charlee had been right in calling him. He was certain she wouldn’t have driven up to the cabin if she’d had an idea the storm would hit this early. She was too smart to take those kinds of chances.

He held the rear door behind the driver’s side, for Ossie to jump up before shutting it. He opened his own door and climbed into the cab. He tossed his hat on the back seat, next to Ossie.

Mud caked his boots and water rolled down his jacket, dripping onto the seat. Water and a little mud weren’t the worst things this old truck had seen, by far.

He took a moment to call one of his older twin brothers, Jayson, when his truck’s Bluetooth had connected with his phone.

Jayson’s voice came over the truck speakers. “What’s up little brother?”

“Gotta favor to ask.” Ace guided the truck down the dirt road leading from his ranch to the highway. “Charlee Burke is stuck on Black Bear Road with a flat tire and I’m headed up to give her a hand.”

“Damn,” Jayson said. “How far up the road is she?”

“Closer to her cabin than she is to us.” His steering wheel jerked in his hands when he hit a deep rut. “With the storm coming in, we’ll go on up to her cabin since it’ll be a lot closer than coming back down the mountain.”

“I’ll check on your place and feed the horses while you’re gone.” Jayson didn’t live far from Ace. “I’ll count on you getting stuck up there for at least a couple of days.”

“Thanks.” Ace reached the highway. “Cell service is pretty much non-existent up there.”

“Give me a call when you and Charlee are headed up to her cabin,” Jayson said. “Wanna make sure my kid brother and my sister’s best friend are safely on their way.”

Ace grinned. His brothers had watched out for him since he was a kid. “Will do.”

“In case you don’t make it back by Sunday,” Jayson added, “Merry Christmas.”
