Page 47 of Sold on You

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“What?” She scrunched her brows. “We didn’t agree to a party, just a date.” That would be like admitting to the world that she was seeing Ace. Was she ready for that?

He shrugged. “Then it’s straight to my house for dinner instead. We can have our own private party.”

Alone with Ace—which could end up with them taking things farther than they had last night in front of the fireplace. Both options felt a little scary. It was all too new, too soon.

“I—well—” She took a deep breath. What the hell. “Okay. I’ll be ready at seven for the party at Jayson’s.”

He pressed his lips to hers again for a nice long kiss. When they parted, she realized her heart pounded like crazy and she didn’t think she could catch her breath.

He touched the tip of her nose with one finger. “You need to get in your car. It should be plenty warm inside now.”

She nodded. “I’ll see you Saturday night.”

One quick kiss from him, then he opened her car door and she climbed into the warmth. “Be careful driving home,” he said. “Roads might be slick.”

“Bye.” She buckled her seatbelt as he closed the door behind her. She carefully turned her car around on the muddy road to head back to Prescott. He watched her, and she gave a quick wave before heading down the road.

Charlee focused on the road as she drove, trying not to let her attention stray too much. She didn’t want to hit a patch of ice and end up losing control of her car.

She needed to let go of what David Smith—or whatever his real name was—had done to her. It had been long enough. It was time to let it go, for good.

Her thoughts turned to Bailey and Dara. The girls would both love to have Charlee as a sister-in-law. Wouldn’t that be something—Dara and Charlee both marry one of their best friend’s brothers.

Where in the world had that thought come from? She was barely getting used to the idea of dating Ace and letting the world know about it, much less starting to think of something likemarriage.Holy crap, was she ever getting ahead of herself.

She drove into Prescott, Christmas decorations hanging from streetlamps and buildings—wreaths, bells, trees—all bright colors of green, red, silver, and gold. Before going to the cabin she hadn’t paid much attention to the decorations. Christmas had become more and more a time of being alone and feeling apart from everything as others’ lives went on, with her own life stuck in the past.

Now, because of Ace, maybe things would be different. Just maybe they would be.

Ace watchedCharlee’s car until he couldn’t see it anymore, then climbed into his truck to head back to his ranch. He’d left it running so the cab would remain warm for Ossie.

He looked over his shoulder at the dog, who was looking through the window. “How’re you doing back there, girl?”

She looked at him, panting happily before she stared out the window again. If it wasn’t so cold, he’d roll down the window to let her put her face in the wind. She loved that.

He focused on the road, but Charlee never left his mind. She was beautiful, intelligent, sexy, and had a great personality, all in one extraordinary package.

Damn, but it had been beyond any of his fantasies to actually be with her. To spend time with her, kissing her, tasting her was all more than he could have imagined. And he’d imagined plenty when it came to Charlee Burke.

His brow furrowed as he thought about her hesitancy and the way she drew away at times. Likely all due to Smith, the man who had hurt her so badly.Damn, but I’d like to kick his ass,Ace thought. But since the bastard was in prison for attempted murder, among other charges, Ace couldn’t get his hands on him.

Ace called Jayson to let him know he’d be home soon. “I’ll be bringing her to the New Year’s Eve party at your place,” Ace added.

“I take it things went well.” Jayson’s tone held amusement as his voice came over the speakers. “You always did have a thing for Charlee.”

Ace raised his brows. “Now what makes you think that?”

“Hell,” Jayson said with a chuckle. “Everyone knows. You have the damned worst poker face.”

“So I’ve been told.” Ace shook his head.Many times,he added to himself with a mental sigh.

Jayson updated Ace on what had been going on with the ranch while Ace was gone. A got through the barbed wire fence and Jayson had to round it up, but otherwise things were fine.

“I owe you, bro.” Ace guided the truck onto the dirt road that led to his ranch. “Anything you need, name it.”

“Happy to do it,” Jayson said. “That’s what brothers are for.”

Ace grinned. “And I have the best.”
