Page 51 of Sold on You

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“That’s because I had a crush on you.” He gave her his best ornery grin. “And that never changed—I’ve always had a thing for you, Charlee.”

A surprised look crossed her features, but she didn’t have a chance to respond. Their server returned with their drinks, and then she left to take care of the guests in the booth next to theirs.

She studied him. “You’re just teasing me again.”

“Nope.” He let his expression grow a little more serious. “The first time Bailey brought you home from school, I thought, ‘I’m going to marry that girl when I grow up.’”

“Riiiight.”Charlee laughed as she grasped the stem of her margarita glass. “You’re almost convincing, but you’ve got that devilish gleam in your eyes.”

Ace held her gaze. “The first time I laid eyes on you, I knew.”

Warmth crept over her skin and she looked away. He was teasing her as always.

He caught her chin in his hand and turned her face to him. “That doesn’t mean you go quiet on me, Charlee Burke.”

He was right, of course. He was sharing something he’d thought when he was a kid. It wasn’t like he meant it now.

“We did have a fun childhood,” she said and he let his fingers slide away, lingering on her jaw before he reached for his beer. “Your family was like my own. Still is.” She looked away again before turning back to him. “You all have always been there for me.”

“Youarefamily, Charlee.” He gave her a grin. “At least we’re not kissing cousins. That would be awkward.”

Charlee laughed, the tension sliding away. “At least.”

The server showed up with their nachos, and after checking to see if they needed anything else, sped off once again. She was great with service, not so much making a customer feel at home.

Charlee took an appetizer plate the server had left and loaded it with a good portion of nachos, but still didn’t dent the stack now between them. “No need for dinner with an appetizer this big.”

Ace piled his plate high and grabbed a bottle of Red Devil from the rack of condiments on the side of the table. He raised it. “Hot sauce?”

She took the bottle from him and covered her own nachos before handing the hot sauce back and asking casually, “What are your plans after we finish with drinks and nachos?”

“Depends.” He gave her a sexy little grin. “What areyourplans?”

She loved it when he grinned like that. “Pillow fort and games?”

He laughed. “I can think of a fun game to play in a pillow fort.”

“I’ll bet you can.” She took a good-sized swallow of her margarita before setting the glass down. “I have some ideas of my own.”

Amusement sparked in his gaze. “Does it involve Mario Party or a party of our own?”

Charlee gave Ace her naughtiest smile. “You’ll just have to wait and see.” She mentally shook her head—she had no idea what she was going to do. Playing it by ear was the route she’d end up going.

Her belly tingled. It wouldn’t be long until she and Ace were alone again.

A ringing sound came from Ace’s side of the table. “Forgot to turn the dang thing off.” He pulled out his phone and quieted the ring but looked at the screen. “Seth is calling.”

Charlee sat straighter in her seat. “Maybe the baby is coming.”

“I’ll take it, just in case.” Ace touched the screen and brought the phone to his ear. “Is my new nephew here?”

Ace listened a moment, then said, “Charlee’s here with me. We’ll be there in twenty.”

Charlee’s skin prickled as Ace pocketed his phone. “Is everything okay?”

“She’s having some complications, but the doc told Seth she’ll be fine.” Ace grasped his beer glass. “I figured you’d want to come along.”

“Of course.” She downed the rest of her margarita while Ace killed his beer. She slid out of the booth and got to her feet the same time he stood.
