Page 6 of Sold on You

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She glanced at Ace, who was shaking his head. “You look like a kitten left out in the rain, and still as cute as can be, Charlee Burke.”

She rolled her eyes. “I don’t feel cute.”

He grinned. “Come on. Let’s get someplace warm and dry.”

“My cabin isn’t much farther.” She gestured up the road.

He nodded in the direction of containers and bags out on the side of the road. “What do you have in those?”

She sighed. “I pulled a bunch of stuff out of my trunk to find the spare and got hit by the storm before I could put it all away. Some clothes to be donated—stuff like that.”

He held out his hand. “Keys.”

A surprised look crossed her features. “You don’t have to—”

“Hand them over, Charlee.”

“I can help.” She pulled out a set of keys.

He took them from her. “I can get it done a lot faster myself.” When she gave him an indignant look, he added, “You are one of the most capable women I know, but one cook is all we need in this kitchen.”

She frowned, like she didn’t quite get him.

“Hold onto that thought.” He winked. “Be right back.”

He ducked out into the rain. Icy water slapped his face and rolled down his collar as he popped the Mustang’s trunk and started shoving things inside. The items were muddy, including the donut, but everything would be safe.

Ace slammed the trunk shut and used the fob to lock the doors. He jogged to the truck and made his way back into the driver’s seat, closing the door hard behind him.

He put the truck into gear, pulled around the Mustang, and left it behind. “I hope you have food in your cabin. I’m hungry as hell.” He jerked his thumb over his shoulder. “Ossie, too.”

“Plenty of people food.” Charlee tucked wet hair behind her ear. “Maybe we can give Ossie some beef out of the freezer? I like to keep the place fully stocked year-round for escape purposes and retreats with the girls.”

The thought of Charlee on an “escape” with some man sent a sharp jab through Ace’s gut.

What the hell?Why did he suddenly feel jealous? He’d never had more than a moment’s fantasy—okay, several if he was honest—of Charlee, but that was all it had ever been. Fantasy. But this feeling had been so damned powerful and had come out of nowhere.

He dragged his hand down his wet face as he drove along the road to Charlee’s cabin.Holy shit.Being locked up in a cabin with Charlee for any length of time might be too dangerous. He wasn’t sure he could keep his hands off her.

No, he could be a gentleman, just like his mama had raised him. He glanced at Charlee, who wore a frown. Her face was scrunched like she was thinking real hard about something.

He looked back at the road. “You okay?”

“Hmmm?” Charlee sounded distracted. “Oh. Just thinking about my plans for this weekend and how they’re getting washed away with the storm.”

Is she talking about this being a weekend with a man at the cabin? A boyfriend, maybe?

Ace blew out his breath. Didn’t make a difference what her plans had been, but he couldn’t help feeling envious of the guy—if that’s what it was.

Rather than ask directly, he said, “What plans could you have alone on Christmas weekend?”

Charlee pushed her hair behind her ears as he glanced at her before looking back at the road.

“I just wanted a quiet weekend.” She shrugged. “I like to putter around the cabin where it’s quiet and I can be away from the incessant noise in my stores.” She groaned. “I do love the business I’m in and the people I work with, andmostof our clients, but some days I wonder if buying the salon and then the spa were my brightest decisions.”

“You’re a top-notch businesswoman.” He flashed her a smile. “The Prescott Small Business Owner of the Year Award should remind you of that.”

She looked at him with surprise in her expression. “How did you know?”
