Page 66 of Sold on You

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Back at the cabin, he’d thought that he and Charlee would make beautiful children. They’d be like Kyle, with perfect tiny hands and toes, and sweet little faces.

Ace kissed the side of the baby’s head and breathed in his scent. It reminded him of gingersnaps.

He raised his head and Dara stood in front of him, her arms folded across her chest, wearing a smirk. “Babies are pretty special, don’t you think?”

“Yeah.” The knot in his throat was still there, so the word came out kind of strangled sounding. “They are.”

Dara didn’t offer to take Kyle back, and Ace didn’t mind cradling him and looking at him a little bit longer.

“I’ll take him now.” Bailey stood in front of him and held out her arms.

Ace gently handed Kyle back to her, feeling reluctant to part with him. “He’s cute.”

Bailey flashed him a grin. “Just wait until you have one of your own.”

He opened his mouth to say something to deny he’d ever want kids of his own, but he couldn’t get a word out. So, he just nodded, and Bailey gave him a triumphant smile.

Bailey’s smile turned soft. “You’d make a great dad. I’ve seen you with the kids and they love you.”

“I wouldn’t know what to do with one.” He struggled to find something that would help him make his point. “I can send them home if they get cranky.”

“You’d figure it out.” She laughed. “As for sending them home when they’re out of sorts, you’d have someone to help you.”

He wanted to say how he could never live up to his brothers, but it wouldn’t come. His brothers were all good men, but like him they weren’t perfect. They were just different from each other. Each of them had his own strengths and weaknesses.

Ace couldn’t think straight. He was usually decisive and took action. Now, he didn’t know what the hell to do about the feelings that had grown inside him. He’d been thinking about having kids with Charlee and rejecting the thought every time. But now…hell, he didn’t know.

Or maybe he did.

“Ready for some warm apple pie and ice cream?” Molly called from the kitchen.

“Can I get some to go?” Ace moved closer to his mom. “There’s something I need to do.”

“Sure, honey.” Molly got a storage container out of the cabinet and put two big slices of apple pie in it. “You’ll have to get your own ice cream.”

Ace took the container and kissed Molly on the cheek. “Thanks, Mom.”

He gave a quick wave to his family and headed out the front door.

Maybe she’d goto the spa. She could use a mani-pedi. Charlee sighed and thought about getting out of the recliner. She’d been moping around the last week, and she needed to move on.

The backs of her eyes burned. “Stop it, Charlee.” She pushed herself out of her chair and started toward the bedroom.

The doorbell rang and she stopped in mid-stride. It rang again. “Okay,” she muttered and marched toward the door. Probably the mailman bringing her something to sign.

Charlee flung open the door and her lips parted as she stared at Ace.

He took a good look at her and grinned. “Just get out of bed?”

Charlee raised her chin. “What makes you say that?”

He pointed to her feet. “The bunny slippers and robe were my first clues.” He reached out and touched her hair. “The wild and crazy hairstyle you’ve got going on there was my second. It’s cute.”

Charlee flushed. Why had she answered the door? Especially looking like this. “What do you want?”

“I have a peace offering.” He raised a container. “Some of Mom’s apple pie.”

Charlee’s mouth watered. She could smell apples and cinnamon coming from the container. “Molly makes the best ever.”

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