Page 75 of Sold on You

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Dear God.

She couldn’t believe that something like that could happen outside of a daytime soap opera. It still didn’t seem real.

Kit had to remind herself every time she thought of it. Itwasreal. He was expecting a child with that woman.

And Kit couldn’t do a damn thing about it.

The pavement gave way to a dirt road with bumps and potholes, causing the SUV to jostle in a few places. If she hadn’t been driving, Kit would have closed her eyes and cried, even though she shouldn’t waste one single tear or thought on that sonofabitch.

Likely, she would never get married, because she couldn’t give a man what he wanted. A family. Children of his own. It was a lonely truth that felt like it was teasing her.

She swallowed and straightened in her seat, still gripping the steering wheel so tightly she wondered if she could break it if she tried. She reached for the stereo knob and turned up the music.

OneRepublic’s latest hit blasted through the speakers. Thankfully, the loud music helped drown out her thoughts.

Because the thoughts hadn’t been easy to drown out since she had found out about Derrick. She knew why he felt the way he did, but it didn’t make what he had done to her right. She deserved better than that. Hell, even the worst person on earth deserved better than what had happened.

She focused on the scenery again and the music started to calm her down. She unclenched the steering wheel as the words that spoke to her soul filled the cabin.

The naturally sparse vegetation of the Arizona desert stretched out for what seemed like miles of brown earth.

Little more than patches of dry yellow grass here and there dotted the hard-packed dry earth. Mostly scraggly bushes and cacti made bumps across the earth. They were all smooth earth tones, lacking the brightness of more traditional landscape scenes.

The GPS told her she had almost reached the ranch. She had made good time and would actually get there early. She wasn’t due in until this evening, where she’d have a chance to get settled and start her new job come morning.

A good impression on a new life.
