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A display of pet accessories caught her eye. Maybe she should get Kyle and Buddy Christmas presents. It would just be neighbourly. She grabbed a purple Kong before she could change her mind and turned back to the previous aisle for peanut butter.

Kyle was harder to find something for in the grocery store, but as she moved down the soft drink aisle, she saw a display of energy drinks. Red Bull reminded her of the year before they started dating. Late night studying infused with sexual frustration and stolen glances. Playing Resident Evil just to have an excuse to sit next to him, her thigh rubbing against his, their forearms brushing as they worked through the levels together. A shiver raced up her spine, and she grabbed a four pack. It wasn’t the worst Christmas present in the world, and it would be an excuse to stop at the school house.

It is an absolutely awful gift, but if we get naked, he probably won’t care. The promise of quick and dirty sex spurred Laney toward the checkout counter. She grabbed a tin of mints and added it to her pile.

“Nice to see you again, Laney. Back for Christmas?”

“Hi, Karen. Yep, we’re all at the farm.”

“Have you seen Kyle?”

She did a double take. How was that anyone else’s business, and why did Karen Miller care? “What? Why?”

“Everyone liked you two together.”

“That was a long time ago. How much do I owe you?”

Karen took her time finding the total button. Laney wanted to throw a fifty at her and run. “I shouldn’t have said anything, it’s just…never mind.”

Laney was still annoyed, but there wasn’t anyone else in the store, and curiosity got the better of her. “Just what?”

“He hasn’t dated in a while, and when your mom said that you were coming home for the holidays, we thought maybe it might be an opportunity for him to deal with your breakup.”

“We who? You and my mom?” Laney couldn’t believe her ears. The meddling in Wardham was reaching new heights, and her mother had a lot of explaining to do.

“Oh no! Right, you’ve been gone a while. Kyle’s brother married Carrie, my best friend? Evie knows her. Anyway, it was one conversation, that’s all.” Karen was back-peddling hard. “I’ve really overstepped here, I’m sorry.” She bit her lip, and Laney felt some of her anger slip away.

“Right. Well, I think everyone should probably just mind their own business. Kyle’s a grown man, he can take care of himself.”

It took another fifteen minutes for Laney to stash her groceries in the car and grab a latte from the bakery, because she was stopped by three people who wanted to tell her how happy they were she was visiting for the holidays and to ask if she’d seen Kyle yet. She considered stopping at the drugstore for a gift bag, but decided if she was going to have any time for a quickie, the presents should probably just be wrapped in a grocery bag.

She parked her car on the far side of the school house from her mom’s farm. Not hiding where she was, but at the same time, she was quite done with questions for the day.

Kyle opened the door at the second knock. He raised his eyebrows and flashed a wide, easy smile. “Hey, you. I wasn’t sure if…I thought you might be busy with family stuff.”

“I have been.” She held out the grocery bag. “I was shopping and decided to get you and Buddy some Christmas presents.”

He pulled her inside and closed the door. He slid the package out of her grasp, placed it on a small table next to the entrance and closed the gap between them. “Thank you. I’ll open it in a minute. But first—” He slid one hand behind her neck “—I’m going to kiss you, okay?”

He didn’t wait for a response, but he didn’t rush either. His other hand curled against her jaw, and she saw his lips part, his eyelids drop, his nose tilt away, and as his breath touched her mouth, everything slipped out of focus and it was all warm and muzzy and delicious.

Lips on lips. Lips parting, then tongues dancing, teeth nipping, then after breaking apart for ragged breaths, they crashed together again, hungry and needy.

“Open your present,” she whispered, pressing her hips up and into his erection.

“Can I open you first?”

“It’s related, trust me.”

Kyle eased back enough to twist and grab the bag. “It’s heavy for a sex toy.”

She giggled. She didn’t giggle, ever. Except, apparently, when around Kyle. Or maybe it was Wardham, although she didn’t remember being this…whatever this was on previous trips. It was fun being this different Laney. He reached into the bag and pulled out the four-pack. “Red Bull?”

“You used to love the stuff.”

“When we had to pull all-nighters, studying. I haven’t drunk it in years.”

“It reminded me of you.” Laney angled toward him, stealing a quick kiss. She ignored the worry that whispered in the back of her mind. Why was this so easy? Fuck it, she didn’t care. “Keep going.”
