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“I love you, too.” She hung up the phone and pressed it to her chest. He was right. This wasn’t a decision they could make impulsively or emotionally.

Against her hand, Little Bean rolled its head or butt or really giant foot from side to side.

I know, little one. I know.

The hour-long reprimand Kyle got from his advisor the next morning for his impromptu lecture to the undergraduate education students barely had any impact on him. Every bit of his worry was wrapped up in not being able to talk to his wife, who strongly preferred not to use her cell phone in the car, even on Bluetooth.

Whenever he looked at the clock, he instinctively pictured where she was on the familiar route from Wardham. By early afternoon, she’d be slicing across the top of Indiana. He wrapped up his office hour right on time—easy to do when your only visitor was another grad student wanting to procrastinate on their marking—and headed home, picking up the groceries to make an “I love you so much, I’m sorry we fought” dinner.

Since Laney had been a carb-hungry monster since getting knocked up, that meant oven-baked macaroni and cheese with cauliflower and a garden salad, heavy on the iceberg lettuce and fancy vinaigrette. And a loaf of Italian bread.

She was bringing home lemon squares, but he got a pint of vanilla ice cream just to be safe.

The pasta had just gone into the oven when he heard her car in the drive.

He met her at the door, but before he could say anything—“I’m sorry, I’m a dolt, we’ll do whatever you want”—she was in his arms and kissing him.

“Hey,” he finally managed to say when she came up for air.

She brushed her hair out of her eyes. The fine blonde strands had gone static in the long, dry car ride. “I’m going to convince you that moving is a good thing,” she said firmly. “But first I want a shower and sex.”

He grinned. Thank you, second trimester hormones. “We can do all three of those things.”

“I don’t want to be told I’m crazy and hormonal.”

Oh, he wouldn’t dare. Even when the hormones were to his advantage.

He peeled her out of her parka, then flipped the deadbolt while she greeted Buddy and gave him some love before sending him to the kitchen.

“Mommy and Daddy need to have some alone time,” she crooned to their pup.

“Indeed we do.” He tugged her upright and wrapped his arms around her from behind, his palms curving around her belly. Baby gave him a butt bump for being nice to the family VIP. “I’m sorry about yesterday. I didn’t react appropriately.”

“You reacted as you reacted. That part was fine.” She took a deep breath. “Shower. I can’t talk until I’m relaxed.”

He grinned against her hair. He’d relax her, all right.

She laughed gently, shaking inside the circle of his arms. “Are you thinking about orgasms right now?”

“Of course.”

With a sigh, she leaned back against him and tipped her head in. He found her mouth, soft and warm, and she twisted toward him again as he deepened the kiss.

“Show me,” she whispered, leading him toward the stairs.

“Get naked, then.”

She grinned as she slid out of her sweater. He unbuttoned his shirt. She wiggled out of her yoga pants. He lost his t-shirt. She stripped off her tank top, he shoved his jeans to the floor, and by the time they got to the shower, they were down to underwear. While the steam got going, they divested themselves of those last few scraps of clothing, pausing twice to kiss each other as the chemistry between them started to bubble.

They’d both made it a priority to protect the hot, sizzling hunger they still felt for each other. They’d been through a lot, and it was still just the start of their life together. They had a child on the way, a move in their future, and decades of fighting and making up ahead of them, and he always wanted to be able to give her this reminder of their connection, their primacy as a unit. They were partners in every way, and he’d slipped past worrying and wanting to protect her the night before into thinking he knew her heart and mind better than she did herself.

Limbs entwined, he washed her back as she rubbed her fingers up and down the line of hair running down his torso. He slowly turned her around, rocking his erection into her bottom as he stroked her belly, then lower, soaping between her legs. She was hot and slick for him already, but he wouldn’t be rushed. He dropped to his knees and kissed their baby. He whispered how much he loved him or her, then he looked up at his wife.

“I love you, too, sweetheart. More and more every day.”

Laney tried to tug him up to her, but he had a plan. She bit her lip, watching through hooded eyes as he nudged her back, leaning her against the tiled wall as he lifted one of her legs and draped it over his shoulder. He traced her folds with his fingers, dragging her slickness up to her clit before rolling that nub under his thumb. She immediately rocked her hips into his touch.

“You’re so responsive,” he murmured, and she mumbled something about now and teasing. He blew on her most sensitive parts in response. Her fingers tightened in his hair, tugging him closer. Smiling, he flattened his tongue and licked her slit, up and down, teasing at the top and swirling at the bottom until she was gasping for release.
