Page 145 of Kisses Like Rain

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It feels so damn right. I move faster, feeling her deeper and kissing her as if it’s my last moment. My very last breath. And when her pussy clenches around me and I come with her, it feels like destiny.

This is where it began, where I saw her for the first time coming to me drenched and windblown with sand stuck to her skin, looking carefree and happy and like mine. This is where the end of us started. It’s only fitting that we make our new beginning here.


Three years later, January 11th

Normally,I should be in Marseille, attending my final semester at university, but as I’m passing with flying colors anyway, I took the day off. Angelo wants to take me to a new restaurant in Bastia for lunch, and I promised the kids we’d bake a cake when they come home from school.

I’ll admit it wasn’t always easy being a mommy and working toward finishing my degree, but with good time management and a lot of help from Doris and Angelo as well as my mom who visited us for shorter and longer periods, I’m almost there. The prospect of working in the field still makes me excited. Since National Geographic screened my video on Shark Week, I’ve been invited as a guest speaker to various marine life events, which Letitia Powell uses to her advantage to raise funds for our conservation program. Letitia offered to put in a good word for me at the big research facilities when the time comes to apply for a job. The logistics of working full-time seem daunting, but like with everything, Angelo and I will make it work.

Doris gives Tess an early lunch while I get ready. I pull on my prettiest winter dress and boots, brush out my hair, and apply a little make-up. When Angelo gets home from his business meeting, I’m almost ready. Grabbing my earrings and my bag on my way out of the dressing room, I meet him downstairs.

“You look beautiful,” he says, dragging an appreciative gaze over me.

I peck him on the cheek, inhaling his masculine scent and familiar cologne that still has the power to make my stomach flip. “Likewise.”

He grips my face in his large hand, holding me fast before I can get away, and crashes his mouth on mine in a searing kiss that does more than make my stomach lurch. Keeping me in that possessive grasp, he sweeps his tongue over mine and plunders the depth of my mouth. I’m breathless in a second. In another second, I’ll need change my underwear.

Doris exits the kitchen with Tess on her hip. She clears her throat with a loud, “Ah-hmm.”

Undeterred, Angelo brings the kiss to a slow halt. My lips tingle when he finally lets me go.

A wicked smile curves his lips as he holds my gaze. “That’s better.”

My cheeks heat, knowing that Doris bore witness, but Angelo’s possessiveness knows no manners. On the contrary, he always kisses me as if no one is watching, no matter where we are. No, not as if no one is watching. As if he doesn’t care. Because he doesn’t. He’s only too eager to show the world that I’m taken. And to be honest, I like that he’s not shy to show his affection.

At the sight of Angelo, Tess’s little face lights up.

He holds out his arms to take her from Doris. “Hello, princess.” He tickles her side, making her squirm and giggle. “What did you do with yourself this morning?”

I leave my bag on the entrance table and face the mirror to fit my earrings. “You better prepare yourself for another reptile fanatic. She seems to have developed an affinity for the garden snake.”

“She lifted the lid off the cage,” Doris says with a scowl. “The snake got out and crawled into Johan’s bed. One of the guards had to catch it.”

Angelo chuckles. “One pet snake in the house is enough.” He makes a mock-serious face at Tess. “So don’t even think about asking for one.” To Doris he says, “I’ll talk to Johan about locking the lid. He must’ve forgotten to secure the clips after feeding the snake.”

Doris shudders. “If the snake can escape so easily, I’m not vacuuming that room.”

Angelo laughs. “At least the kids are making their own beds.”

She turns her nose in the air. “If you call pulling the covers straight making a bed, then I suppose they do.”

I straighten, giving myself a last once-over in the mirror. “I swear I only turned my back on her for a second to get the laundry from the bathroom.”

“That’s my girl,” Angelo says, tapping her nose. “You’re going to be a brave little thing just like your mother.”

“Well,” Doris says with a sigh, spinning on her heel and stomping back to the kitchen. “The dinner isn’t going to cook itself.”

When she’s out of earshot, Angelo says, “I think she needs a pay rise.”

“If that snake gets anywhere near her, not even a pay rise will make her stay.”

He lowers his head and buries his nose in my hair. Inhaling deeply, he says, “I like this smell on you.”

I laugh. “It’s my shampoo.”

“I know.” Holding Tess in one arm, he offers me the other. “Ready?”
