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“Someone wants to pay you sixty thousand dollars to spend this weekend with them at their estate.”

“An entire weekend? I can’t do that!” I protest.

Kim looks at me, her gaze cold. “You are doing it. You need the money, and besides, I’ve already accepted their offer.” Her computer dings again. “And they just paid the deposit,” she adds.

“Why did you do that?” I cry. “Why did you take their money without asking me first!”

“No way. Do you know what a big deal this is? No one gets offers like this their first time out,” she says, a bitter edge to her voice.

“Give them back their money and cancel!”

“I can’t. It’s too late. I already transferred the money into my account. I’ll take out what you owe me for rent and a commission for helping you set up your profile, then I’ll give you the rest.”

I sigh heavily, though I really just want to cry. This day could not get any worse. “How much of it is left?” Really, I’m asking how much I’ll have to pay this mystery person back when I tell them myself they’ll have to find another girl.

“The deposit was for a third of the full amount. Minus what you owed me and the site’s commission, there’s about six—”

“Six grand!” I whisper, horrified. That means I need to somehow come up with four thousand dollars. Where am I going to get that kind of money?

“No, six hundred is what’s left.” Kim shrugs nonchalantly. “You’ll have enough to buy yourself some decent clothes for the weekend.”

Silence descends in the room, and not for the first time this evening, I question my sanity. Am I dreaming? This can’t really be happening. What did I do in a past life to deserve this?

And how in the world did Kim decide that I owed her almost twenty thousand dollars? That’s more than my rent for an entire year! I’m about to ask her just that when she speaks again.

“Look, Joy,” she starts, her voice much softer, “I know you don’t want to do this, but I really think it will be good for you. The money you owed me aside, think how fast you could pay off your student loans with this job. Do you really think you’re in any position to say no?”

“Why would someone pay sixty thousand dollars to spend a weekend with me?” I ask, almost to myself.

“I told you. You look like Bambi personified. You’re the poster girl for innocent virgin. Some guys are really into that, and it’s not easy to find.”

“Will I be expected to . . . you know?”

Kim laughs at me in the way people do when a child has said something silly. “Honey, the man isn’t paying sixty thousand dollars to spend a weekend with you playing Checkers. Of course, no one can force you to do anything beyond the terms of the service’s escort contract. It’s up to you how you want to play this, but I can almost guarantee that you’ll be in for a generous tip at the end of the weekend if you make yourself . . . accommodating.”

I hug my arms and shake my head. Call me outdated, but I am still a romantic. I’ve always pictured sharing my first time with a man I was actually in love with. Not once in all my daydreams did I imagine sharing that part of myself with a stranger. And for money! I can’t even begin to imagine it.

“I can’t do it,” I whisper, shaking my head, hating the idea the more I think about it.

“You don’t have a choice!”

My eyes well up with tears as my new reality takes root. After losing my job this afternoon, all I wanted was to curl up in bed with my favorite book and pretend this entire day had been nothing more than a bad dream.

Now I have to spend my evening preparing to spend the weekend in an unfamiliar house and possibly sleep with a stranger for money. I don’t even know his name, but a man willing to spend forty grand on a whim is surely not someone to be messed with.

“Hey,” Kim whispers, her voice soft as she winds an arm around my shoulders, “think of this as a once in a lifetime opportunity. Maybe the guy will like you and ask for your services again. Think of all the money you can milk out of him. You won’t need to work at any dirty little daycares anymore.”

“But I loved working at the daycare.”

“Fine,” she says, rolling her eyes. “With the money this guy is paying, you could start your own daycare, and I can finally move out of this stinky little apartment. Now let’s figure out what you can wear. I have several outfits I was going to toss out that I can sell to you instead.”

My head is numb as I let her drag me to her room where she starts to pull clothes from her closet. Some of the things she tosses on her bed still have tags on them.

“You should wear this when you go to meet him,” Kim says excitedly, lifting a small red dress that looks at least two sizes too small for me.

“What’s wrong with my clothes?” I ask, resigned to my fate.

Kim chuckles, running her eyes over my long skirt and sweater. “Please, your clothes are so boring. It’s one thing to look innocent, it’s another to look like somebody’s elderly grandmother. No one would want to fuck you looking like that.”
