Page 23 of Joy for the Scrooge

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Exactly how I feel.



Five years later

I step out of the car, a wide smile on my face when I get my first glimpse at the mansion. Snowflakes dance in the air, blanketing the grand estate in a pristine white. The towering pine trees glisten with a fresh layer of snow, and the soft glow of the porch lights guides me toward the entrance. I feel the cold against my cheeks, but my heart is warm with anticipation as I walk toward the front door.

The crunch of snow under my boots adds a rhythmic soundtrack to my excitement. It’s amazing how charming this place feels compared to the first time I came here.

Five years ago, I showed up here dressed in nothing but a dress that was two sizes too small, cutting off much-needed air to my lungs. I remember the bone-chilling fear that rocked me to my core when I first saw the mansion, half afraid that I wouldn’t come out of there alive.

But I did.

Not only did I survive one of the scariest moments of my life, but I also met my soulmate. A real-life Grinch that hated Christmas and anything remotely close to joy. I find it surprising how his attitude made a complete one-eighty after we married.

The door bursts open just as I am climbing the short stairs, and the hottest freaking man I have ever seen steps out in nothing but gray sweats, and just like that, I forget how to breathe. It’s pretty ridiculous, really. On my wedding day, a vindictive Kim told me that marriage was where love went to die before she was escorted out by security, and yet . . . five years down the line, my knees still grow weak at the sight of my husband like it’s the first time all over again.

And the way he watches me, blue eyes flashing with desire as I close the distance between us, tells me he feels the same way about me.

“Hey there, sexy,” he says as he grabs my waist, crushing me in his embrace. I wrap an arm around his neck and brush my lips softly against his. “I missed you so much, angel.”

I slap his chest playfully when he kneads my ass. “We just saw each other this morning before I left.”

“How did your meeting go? Did you finally close the deal, or do I need to make some calls and scare some people?”

I smile at his eagerness to help, but this is something I wanted to do myself. Buying the building I am going to open my daycare in proved to be much more of a headache than I’d originally pictured. When I first told Nick I was going to open my own daycare, he was supportive, and he let me take charge of it when I said that’s what I wanted to do. A part of me wishes I’d let him take care of it for me, but I was determined to see it through, and now that the deal has been closed, I can finally relax.

“Everything is fine now,” I say with a sigh. “I’m sorry I left in such a hurry this morning, without even saying goodbye to the kids. Are they mad at me?”

“You have nothing to apologize for,” my perfect man whispers, slipping his warm hands under my sweater and cupping my breasts. “They played hide-and-seek, read some books in the library, and then we went out to collect wood in the forest. We had hot chocolate when we came in, and that wiped them out. They’re napping.”

“Sounds like you had fun . . .oh,” I gasp when he tweaks my nipples between his fingers, tugging gently before massaging them with his thumb.

Pleasure dances up my spine from his wandering hands, and for a moment, I forget we have not left the front porch. “Don’t worry, I spared all the energy I could for you.”

I gasp when Nick’s hands drop to my ass before he lifts me off the ground. I wrap my legs around his waist as he carries me into the house. “I started the fire, so you’d be warm when you got home,” he says, kicking the door closed behind us.

“Nick, the kids . . .”

“Will not be up for hours. They’re exhausted,” he responds, laying me on the couch and following me down. I catch the reflection of the fire in his eyes, and I fall a little deeper. I thought I was at capacity of loving him and imagined there was no way I could love him more than I already did, but every day, he proves me wrong.

“I love you,” I whisper, cupping his jaw and drowning in his perfect blues. “I always will. Back then, you have no idea how much it killed me not to say those words.”

“You’ve made up for it by telling me every waking hour of our lives,” he rasps, rubbing his erection against my thigh. “By giving me two gorgeous kids who take after their kind mother and a life that I never pictured for myself. One I never thought I deserved.”

A breathless whimper slips out when he brushes his lips over my neck, moisture pooling in my sex at the move. He unzips my pants and tugs them down my thighs along with my panties before tossing them away. I bury my face in his neck, bathing in his strong masculine scent and losing myself in his touch.

“I’ve been thinking about his all day,” he groans into my ear, blowing hot air over my skin as he tugs his sweats down and grabs his erection, his eyes on mine as he guides his thick shaft to my pulsing sex. He pushes the tip of his hard cock into my entrance before hooking his forearm beneath my thigh. I slap a hand over my mouth to curb a sob when he starts pushing in slowly, his thick girth stretching me fully. “You are so wet, angel. So fucking wet and tight!”

“Oh, Daddy,” I cry out when he drops his finger between us, rubbing my sensitive clit even as he fucks me in long, deep strokes.

“You like that,” he growls deeply, pumping his hips against me and wrecking me with each thrust. “You like it when Daddy loses control, don’t you? When he can’t think of anything but this pussy?”

“Yes,” I cry out, scratching my nails down his back as he slams into me, his thrusts growing fevered and possessive. “Faster, Daddy, please. Harder!”

Nick clasps my ass, digging his fingers into my skin as he plunges into me in fast, hard strokes, driving me closer and closer to the edge. Reminding me why there has never and will never be anyone but him.
