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I want to tell him this. Rage a little at the fact that this is partly his fault, but I can’t do it. My throat is dry, and the thought of confronting this man terrifies me. Kim warned me not to make him angry.

“Go inside, play innocent, and let him do whatever it is he wants, if you want to get paid,” were my roommate's parting words.

Taking Kim’s words to heart, I avert my gaze and don’t respond to his question. Even with my eyes cast down, I can still feel his intense stare on me, irritation coming off him in waves.

We stay locked in an awkward silence, with only the sound of the blowing wind against the windows filling the room, before the man breaths out a sigh. “What’s your name?”

“Joy,” I whisper, choosing to focus on the bedside table. “Joy Brookes.”

“Great. Okay, Joy, get up. We are leaving. I will give you a ride home.”

His words startle me, and I sit up in alarm. I stare up at him in shock, eyes wide in horror at the thought of leaving so soon and without having had sex once. After all, that’s why I’m here, isn’t it? Kim made that very clear on the way over.

“Do you not want me?” I whisper, my heart hammering in my chest as I stare at the stranger, but he stays silent. His eyes darken, and I notice his Adam’s apple bob as his eyes drop to my chest. I follow his gaze to my pert nipples, crying out and scrambling for the sheets when I realize I’d lost my grip on the covers when I sat up.

“Your clothes were wet with snow and . . . tight,” he says, correctly interpreting my mortification.

“Oh, God!” I whimper, swallowing my embarrassment. The thought of this man undressing me sends my cheeks flushing with heat.

His eyes narrow on mine. “Why would that embarrass you? You are here to have sex with me, aren’t you?”

“Right,” I whisper, clutching onto the sheets tightly. I mean he is right, but still . . .

The man grabs the sheets and tugs lightly, but I don’t let go. I know I should and let him do whatever it is he wants with me, but . . . he’s barely said a word. Can he at least tell me his favorite color before I let him see my naked body? What kind of music he listens to?

I never imagined giving my virginity to a complete stranger. Knowing something, anything, about this man would make me feel better in this moment.

His eyes darken as he tugs at the sheets again, but I have a death grip on the covers. I really should listen to all the advice Kim gave me, but the thought of exposing myself to a man whose first name I don’t even know doesn’t sit right with me.

“Well, let me see you,” he says thickly, the deep baritone of his voice sending a rush of heat to my stomach. My sex throbs, and my swollen nipples feel achy against the soft material of the sheets, which only has me flushing deeper. I can’t make sense of my body’s reaction to his words.

“I . . . I don’t even know your name.”

“Do you need to know your clients’ names to sleep with them?”

Clients? Right, he thinks I am an escort, which is fair, considering he hired me, but . . .

“I don’t have clients,” I blurt out.

“Oh, really?” he scoffs, leaning down until his face is mere inches away from touching mine. My head swims from his expensive cologne, and I resist the urge to lean in and press my nose to his neck. Christ, he smells so good. “Pretty hard to believe that, considering why you’re here,” he whispers, his eyes darkening as he trails them over my covered body a second before he pulls back from me.


“We are not doing this. Get dressed,” he says walking to the door. “There are some clothes for you on the dresser. I’ll wait for you downstairs and give you a ride home.”

I suck in a sharp breath at his words, fear rocking my body at the thought of things ending this way. I can’t have him cancel and then demand I refund his money. I don’t have twenty grand, and Kim sure as hell won’t give me back what she’s already taken.

Oh, God! What have I gotten myself into?

“W-wait!” I call out before he can leave. “Please don’t go yet!”

The man turns around, his dark eyes on me threaten to send my heart pumping its way out my chest. I bite my lips as I fight to maintain eye contact with this stoic man. He doesn’t say a word or make a move toward me when my shaky fingers finally let go of the covers, letting them pool in my lap, exposing my breasts to his dark eyes.

Swallowing deeply, I push the covers all the way off and climb out of the bed. His passive stance remains as I take a step toward him, and my forced bravado wavers a little. Maybe he doesn’t want me. Maybe I am not his type after all, and . . .

“Turn around,” he demands, his voice rough.

A tremble wracks my body as I do as he instructs, nervous at exposing myself this way, but the man did undress me. Unless he did so with his eyes closed, he has to have seen everything already. That mortifying thought does nothing to kill my body’s intense reaction to his voice, his presence.
