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"He wishes to torture my mate?" Garde's eyes went hard and he jerked his head around to stare at the HC. Smoke was coming from his nostrils by that time.

"Then what are you, if you are not demon?" The HC kept pushing his agenda, when he should have kept his mouth shut. He'd ignored Garde completely, too, and that wasn't a wise thing to do. There's an old saying on Kifirin—Never ignore the Demon in the room. The HC was ignoring the Demon—and two really tall Larentii because he wanted to torture a confession from the only female in the tent. How typical.

"I'm a vampire," I turned my attention to the HC. "Well, that's not completely true—they call some of my kind the Nameless Ones, but I don't exercise that option very often." Garde was still blowing smoke and staring angrily at the HC. I figured that guy was toast if he didn't shut up soon.

"A vampire?" It was a new word for Solis.

"You don't have anything to worry about," I tried to reassure him. "But I am sick of being here. What say we get this over with, right here and now?"

"Lissa, what do you have in mind, love?" Reemagar was on my other side, with Connegar next to him.

"I think we'll take the ones inside the tent, here, and go have a little parlay with Green Birth. I'm really tired of slogging through the fog and the rain they keep sending in our direction. I think I know what I want to do, anyway."

"Would you like for us to make the move?" Connegar offered.

"No, honey, I can do it," I said, giving him a smile. I went to energy, gathered power and moved the entire tent to the central valley where Green Birth had gathered. Then I caused the sides of the tent to roll up by themselves. If the HC and the others hadn't been scared witless and too frightened to move, they might have taken off running at that point. Instead, they had hands on swords or knives, staring at me wide-eyed.

"If anybody pulls a weapon here, they'll die," I said amiably. The General, who'd been standing and gaping ever since the Larentii showed up with Garde, sat down heavily on a campstool. Garde still wanted a piece of the HC, I think, and was growling, blowing clouds of smoke and watching him like a hawk.

"I have sent out mindspeech for the leaders of Green Birth to come," Connegar informed me. I looked down at my feet where new, green shoots of grass were coming through rich soil with tiny white flowers, here and there. In only a few minutes, four of the Green Fae came walking out of the fog toward us.

"We would not have come if we had not received mindspeech from the Larentii," one of them said, pulling his hood back to reveal blue-green hair. Another, with sun-gold hair pulled his hood back. The other two, both with hair the brown of oak leaves in the fall, lightly tinged with green, also lowered their hoods.

"I think you would have come, if I'd told you," I snapped. They looked at me in confusion. "Now," I said, "I'm here to take care of this mess. General, I know why your King sent you—he has need of funds and looks to the lands belonging to Green Birth to provide those funds for him, in addition to handing out parcels of land and favors to his aristocracy. Does that sound about right?"

"It does," the General replied reluctantly.

"We have paid our taxes to the crown faithfully," the gold-haired Fae remarked.

"No doubt, but the King inherited a lot of debt with the throne," I said. "So he's looking for a quick fix. You were the target. Now," I turned to the HC, "what's the Pelipu's stake in this? Is it because he wants to control the lands or because he can't seem to control these people? Is that it? That he can't say hop and have them ask how high?"

"They are heretics," the HC declared.

"Heretic is such a convenient word," I said. "Nobody does anything like this unless there's something in it for them," I pointed a finger at the HC. "What is it? Control of the masses? Or maybe loss of the control of the masses? That there might be a sect in opposition of the Pelipu's religion—one that doesn't condone torture or scare tactics, or who doesn't believe that you can donate to the church and buy you way into the afterlife? Is that what he's afraid of? That he might not get his cocoa at bedtime?" Garde snickered.

I looked around at the faces in the tent—they were all frightened and trying to determine how we'd managed to travel the distance to Green Birth's lands in a blink, when it would have taken nearly two weeks under ideal conditions to get there on horseback.

"Well, this is what I'm going to do," I said. "I am sealing off these valleys from any other humanoids on this planet. They will be hidden. There will be a buffer zone in between, where trade can occur if Green Birth so desires. Otherwise, the lands will not be reached by others. Your king," I turned to the General, "will have to find another way to fill his coffers. I suggest fishing and sea trade. He has a fleet, tell him to use it. And the lands to his south can be farmed, if he can get those nobles of his off their asses to clear it." The General nodded, still showing signs of confusion.

"Now, you," I pointed at the HC. "I'm going to send you right back where you came from. And if you or any of your religion step foot on the soil of Farus with anything other than peaceful purposes on your mind, you'll die. How's that?" I went to energy again, gathered power and sent him, his seven cronies and all of his army right back to Ialus. I figured the Pelipu was having a hissy fit, even as I watched them disappear.

"You, go home," I pointed at the others, once I was back to myself. They were all staring at me now, their mouths open in surprise. "Solis, I think you and the General can stay here, if you want. That way, you two can actually be together instead of hiding all the time." Yeah, they'd been together for a long time, they just did their best to hide it from everybody.

"You can take them with you, Lissa. We could use extra security on Le-Ath Veronis," Reemagar suggested. I shrugged.

"If they want," I agreed.

"Now, you," I turned to the four Fae.

"We are satisfied with these arrangements," the gold-haired one said. "I am Tiearan Briar."

"Aren't you forgetting something?" I asked as sweetly as I could.

"What?" The blue-haired one asked.

"The reason I came," I said.

"Why did you come? We were expecting a Karathian Warlock. Perhaps the King himself," Tiearan Briar said.

"You don't have his child," I said. "You have mine. I am Lissa, Queen of Le-Ath Veronis. The child you stole was a comesula, not the King's grandson. If you don't mind, I'd like him back now, please. Otherwise I will take this planet apart myself, and never allow two bits of it to join together again."
