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"They were supposed to give him back as soon as I went to take care of a few things for them. But one of the Fae who took him decided she wanted to keep him." I was crying by that time. Kifirin had to explain to Roff about the mind-bond. He also explained that when Toff was an adult, he would be allowed to choose where he lived. I think Roff knew as well as I did, exactly what our chances were in all that. Gone were my hopes of seeing Toff as a winged vampire someday. I sobbed. Roff, as soon as Kifirin finished telling him the whole of it, rose from his chair and stalked from the room.

* * *

"What do you mean; she was within our grasp on Vionn?" Tetsurna Prylvis snarled at the High Priest who stood before him. Few knew that Prylvis had opened the door for Ra'Ak to take membership in Solar Red. They came willingly; accepting positions as Priests and High Priests and often did Prylvis' bidding, in exchange for the lives offered and the blood that flowed. Prylvis had heard the title Khos'Mirai whispered among his Ra'Ak members in the past. Somehow, that one had long ago convinced many Ra'Ak that hiding among Solar Red's Temples was a wise thing to do.

"That fool Pelipu had the information and did not share it in time. He declared her demon and sent some of his to torture a confession from her. Obviously, that was a mistake. Somehow, they let her slip away and the lands the Pelipu sought to take are now shielded against invasion by any humanoids. Farus' shores have been locked against any who have other than peaceful purposes for a visit."

"You are correct—the Pelipu is a fool," Prylvis frowned in anger. "Our target within his grasp and he allows her to slip away. What say you, my Seturna? What should be the Pelipu's punishment for this offense against me and Solar Red?"

"The reason our target came to Vionn is still on Vionn, with the Green Birth Fae," the Ra'Ak High Priest replied. "And as I said before, the Green Fae lands are shielded against any humanoid entering. Those shields cannot keep me or my kind away. I feel we should set one of ours up as Pelipu—the current Pelipu will make a good meal for the one who will wear his face afterward. And then we attack the Green Fae lands in numbers, take what the Queen searched for and draw her to us in that way. You will have what you desire, Tetsurna."

"I like this idea. Very much," Prylvis nodded. "Perhaps you would like to take the Pelipu's place?"

"I had hopes, but did not wish to presume," the Ra'Ak bowed insincerely to Prylvis.

"Of course you may take his seat. And then we will have what we want. Shall I contact Black Mist? Some of his would be welcome as we destroy Green Fae. I hear they are quite tasty to your kind."

"Allies from Black Mist will be more than welcome. I hear that some of my brothers may be among Black Mist's arsenal of assassins."

"I hear that too, High Priest. Go. Make the arrangements. We will attack the Green Fae on Vionn very soon."

* * *

"What is this?" Yeah, I was depressed. Grant had handed a comp-vid to me, and I didn't want to read it.

"The agenda for the Five-Year Conclave. It's coming up, you know," Grant said. "We have to go over the items and you have to decide how you'll vote—you can't just show up without information or preparation. Besides, one of the items on the agenda is the approval of religions on Alliance worlds. The current law allows each world to give permission for a religion to establish itself on their planet. This proposal would give the Founder and the Grand Alliance Council the final decision."

"That can't hurt, can it? Surely, they'd be fair. And it might prevent some of those worlds from taking bribes to allow Solar Red or The Red Hand to walk right in and set up temples." I lifted the comp-vid and thumbed through agenda items.

* * *

The Pelipu of Vionn watched the one who paced before his high seat. He called it a chair but it was a throne—he just didn't want to alert the King of Ialus to the fact that he had designs on the throne the king held. He'd hoped that Farus would now be under his thumb, the Green Birth eliminated and their fertile lands his to do with as he pleased. He could launch an army against other civilized lands from Farus; they had a sizable fleet of ships—enough to carry Red Hand troops from one country to the next. Now, he and his mercenaries had been shut out of Farus, whose King was busy setting up trade with the countries farther south, specializing in fish and fish oil for lamps. Why hadn't he thought of those? He shook his head in anger.

"You say you can't ever set foot on Farus, if your intentions are impure?" The man before him stopped pacing.

"That's right. We've tried and the ones we sent are now dead."

"And there's an impenetrable curtain surrounding the Green Birth lands, too?"


"Well, I may have someone who can get around that for us, but he will exact a price."

The Pelipu snorted. "Money I have," he said.

"This one doesn't take payment in money."

"Then what does he want?" The Pelipu couldn't fathom anyone not expecting money as payment.

"Sacrifices," the other replied. "Lives, given to him to play with."

"Hmmph," the Pelipu replied. "I have plenty of that, and it costs me nothing."

"Do you wish for me to call him in?" The other one smiled.

"If it will get me what I desire, then of course I want you to call him in."

"Very well. I will bring him to you in a few days. Prepare for his coming. Have prisoners brought in."

"May I watch?" The Pelipu smiled with anticipation.

"If you wish."

* * *

"What is you will, Viregruz my brother?" Ringolar, eldest of Viregruz's six chosen Ra'Ak stood before Black Mist's founder.

"Ringolar, I believe the days the Khos'Mirai predicted have arrived. We are on the front steps of taking the Alliance. Soon it will be ours, to do with as we please." Viregruz sat upon the jeweled chair a clan of Wizards had designed for him. He hadn't been able to convince Grey House to work for him, but he'd found another clan nearly as good. The Belancour Wizards had done fine work for him.

"It is too bad the Khos'Mirai is gone from us—we received much good advice from him, did we not?" Ringolar gazed at Viregruz.

"He and his clones," Viregruz agreed. "I believe he tired of his life; that is why he allowed himself to be taken. I can only imagine that one of the Mighty may have destroyed him. It is now our lot to carry on his work and reap the promised rewards."

"What is your desire, then, brother?"
