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"I understand that part of it," Solis said. He and Hardin were both armed with laser rifles and long, heavy steel blades strapped at their side.

"Have Drake and Drew offered to teach you to fight with two blades?" Just the thought of it made me smile.

"Yes, and we've started the training. We were also informed that they won't let us wear two swords until we're proficient." Hardin was smiling, now.

"Let me know if you need anything," I said, when Erland took my elbow to coax me away.

"We're fine," Solis called after us, and I was ushered into the dining room.

Adam, Merrill and Kiarra had come for dinner, which was served the minute Erland and I were seated. Gavin was seated on my right, so we would be going to bed as soon as he could get me there. "Tomorrow is our anniversary," Adam said, putting his arm around Kiarra. "So I'd like to invite all of you to the Chessman tomorrow night for dinner. I have a private room reserved." Well, he ought to be able to reserve it, since he owned the thing and all. Looked as though we were going to get dressed up and go to Casino City. Honestly, I hadn't been there since the first day it had opened.

* * *

"You know who I am?" Connegar and Reemagar blinked at the one who'd come to them inside Lissa's library. Lissa and her mates, including a few extras, had gone to The Chessman Casino in Casino City to celebrate Adam and Kiarra's anniversary. Connegar and Reemagar had been invited, but they had no desire to sit in the midst of such a crowd so they'd stayed behind, choosing Lissa's library to relax and talk instead.

"Of course. Many Larentii would recognize the Mighty Hand," Connegar bowed deeply and respectfully to the tall man.

"I have an assignment for you," the man said. Although he was tall, he was still three feet shorter than Connegar, who was nearly ten feet tall.

"We are honored to accept," Connegar bowed again. "What is it that you wish, Bright One?"

The Mighty Hand outlined exactly what he wanted from the Larentii, who readily agreed. After all, it would protect Le-Ath Veronis and thwart those who sought to bring harm to Lissa. Under normal circumstances, Larentii wouldn't be allowed to interfere past the protection of their mate.

"It will be done swiftly," Reemagar spoke for the first time.

"Thank you," the tall man said, offering a crooked grin. Connegar and Reemagar couldn't help but smile back.

* * *

"We were married in Vegas," Adam said. He'd been asked to tell the story by members of the Saa Thalarr. I could tell it was a favorite and one I'd not heard before. "Kiarra wanted no part of it," Adam added, grinning. "I had to force her to marry me."

"You should have seen the look on her face when we made her march down the aisle," Lynx snickered. "She wouldn't buy a dress, either, so the rest of us picked it out. Tiger and Wolf had to dress her. She wouldn't put the thing on."

I'd only met Tiger and Wolf that evening. They were retired, but both were members of the seven Saa Thalarr when I'd helped Dragon on Refizan.

"She didn't have a ring for me, either," Adam laughed. "I ended up getting a piece of her unicorn horn." He held up his hand to show me the pale, gold band. It matched the ones worn by Merrill and Pheligar, too, I recalled. She'd given them a piece of herself. That was amazing, in my book.

* * *

"Heathe, if I give you my blood, then you'll be able to go with us," I told him. I'd waited until the following afternoon to make the offer, so we could wade through a pile of work first. He'd sleep afterward, that was a given, so I had to time it right. Heathe was shocked out of his shoes, I could tell, when I offered him blood. Thurlow and Rigo had come immediately after I made the suggestion; I'm sure Thurlow had known this was about to happen.

"Will you allow one of us to hold you, while Heathe takes your blood?" Rigo wanted this, I could tell. Very much. After thinking about it for a moment, I nodded to Rigo. He pulled me against him and gestured for Heathe to approach.

"No climax, Heathe," I whispered, before reciting permission.

"Shhh," Heathe said, and breathed on my neck. Rigo held the back of my head cupped in his hand, my body tight against his as Heathe leaned in for the bite. He was careful and it didn't hurt much. As soon as Heathe licked off the last of the blood, Thurlow folded him to his suite. Rigo stayed behind. Grant cleared off the sofa in the corner and Rigo took me there to sit and recuperate for a while. Grant offered a bottle of blood substitute, but Rigo was already pulling his collar open.

"Come, tiessa, take from me," he offered.

"Honey, I don't know how to hold back the climax," I whispered.

"I am hoping that remains true," Rigo smiled. The corners of his eyes crinkled a little when he did that and I think I was lost, then and there. Well, I might have to talk with my mates. I sure didn't know what they were going to do if they had to add somebody else to the roster. Grant stole quietly from the room. "Come, tiessa, do not feel embarrassed or afraid," Rigo leaned in to kiss me lightly. "You are not obligated; still, I just want this one small thing from you."

"All right," I leaned my forehead into the hollow of his shoulder, right against the tattoo of the night flower on his neck. He didn't hurry me so I sat there, breathing in the scent of him for a while. If duty, loyalty and honor had a scent, I think it would smell like Rigo. I lifted my hand and slipped it around the back of his neck, placed a kiss of my own and bit. Rigo held me tightly against him as his body convulsed with the climax. Thurlow found us like that, still sitting together minutes later, neither of us willing to move for a while.

* * *

"You will take us with you, or we will report to the Alliance that you have allowed Solar Red to build temples upon Twylec," Ringolar held his humanoid shape, as did his brothers. If Tamaritha knew what it was that stood before her, she would have dropped to the floor in a faint.

Ringolar thought about eating her and taking her place, but she had a lover on Jhirnain and he had no desire to get involved. Tamaritha had plans to share rooms with her lover. Ringolar and the others could use the extra time to hunt meals while the Queen was occupied with sex. They had their own agenda and the pathetic mortals wouldn't survive anyway. Ringolar smiled at the thought.

Tamaritha frowned at the five that stood before her. "I can only take ten, and I need my bodyguards," she snapped. "Four guards are not enough, and I need my assistant at my side."

"Ringolar, take Farthis and Dalstone with you; Levecus and I will handle the other errand," Zethias smiled at Ringolar, nearly allowing the lengthy tongue to escape his mouth.
