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Rigo had a word with our waiter, and that meant we didn't wait long for drinks or food. The meal was excellent and Reemagar checked it with power, first, just to make sure it was all right. It didn't escape my notice, though, that not a single lobbyist approached our table. Rigo would have sent them on their way, but somehow, they weren't even trying. Shaking my head, I finished my fish and resolved to ignore it. Reemagar didn't eat or even pretend to do so. He kept us shielded against harm as the rest of us ate and talked. When we got back to our suite, Reemagar folded away so he could feed on sunlight. I envied him, sometimes.

Heathe and Grant shared a room that had two smaller beds while Thurlow, Rigo, Erland and Reemagar all had their own rooms, thanks to Reemagar's talent for enlarging things so they'd fit. I had the largest bedroom and Garde slept with me the first night. Yeah, I like my High Demon just fine, thanks.

* * *

"Here is our registration," Grant handed information to the admissions clerks while we waited to gain entrance to the meeting hall. Heathe held the case that contained our palm-sized computers and everything else we needed during the day. I'd dressed finely in a belted cream chiffon tunic and dark green, raw silk pants that flared and floated about my legs and ankles. A low-heeled, designer shoe in dark brown rounded out the outfit, except for the tasteful jewelry—all protection jewels designed by Shadow. I'd French-braided my hair, too, so it wouldn't be too much of a bother.

A committee of employees stood behind the registration desk as we checked in—all eight of us. Erland had a hand at my back, Rigo, Garde and Thurlow were scanning the crowd and I knew Reemagar, who looked enough like Garde to be his brother, had cast what he called Nexus Echo—if there were anyone close who voiced ill feelings toward me, my Larentii mate would know it.

Nexus Echo was a trick the Larentii had; the Saa Thalarr employed it at times, too—it picked up information if their name or a topic of interest came up. That's why they would often show up to add their two cents if somebody was talking about something that concerned them. I hadn't tried it myself—it felt too much like voyeurism.

The registration took too long and I worked to keep boredom and then anger away while our identification and information was checked and double-checked. Finally, we were sorted out with the welcoming committee, who all stared at me at one time or another while they went through their routine. Finally, we were handed ID clips that stuck right to our clothing. My group breathed a collective, deep sigh of relief as we were allowed through the door and led into a very large meeting room by Alliance security.

Our assigned table was off to the side and near the back. Grant and Heathe brought their own recording devices, but more were provided at our table. Everyone else had them, too. It didn't really matter; many in my party had perfect recall anyway, and some of us (Reemagar and Thurlow) could play back images in 3-D if they wanted.

While I sat at the table making small talk with Rigo, Thurlow and the others, I recalled going to meetings when I'd worked as a court clerk in Oklahoma City. We went to conferences on harassment, human resources, policy changes, all kinds of things. Nothing as momentous as this might turn out to be.

At least we all knew each other, pretty much, back at the courthouse. I didn't know a single soul, here. I will say this, though; the Governor of the Realm from Refizan, with his eight guards and assistants, stopped by my table. "You look very much like the one who saved Refizan, many years ago. I've watched those ancient vids many times." He smiled and held out his hand. I stood to take it.

"I enjoyed my visit to your world," I told him truthfully. I had—even though it had been three hundred years or more in the past and dangerous as all get out.

"Welcome to the Alliance," he said and moved away.

The next one to pass our table wasn't nearly as friendly—it was the Queen from Twylec and she had ten with her. She hissed out a rude name as she passed, but that wasn't what had me drawing in a breath and almost coming out of my seat—if Reemagar and Thurlow hadn't been sitting on either side, holding me down, I would have gotten out of my chair right then and there and things would have gotten ugly.

Queen Tamaritha of Twylec was being trailed by three Ra'Ak, all in humanoid form. Well, I'd thought these meetings were going to be interesting before I came. Now they were going to be not only interesting but also dangerous—to the hundredth power.

The entire morning was completely boring, and I heard a few snores throughout the crowd—a late night spent drinking and carousing, followed by three long and boring speeches made by Nemizan's King and the President and Vice President of the Reth Alliance Conclave will do that to you every time.

* * *

Heathe, Grant, Rigo and I all had blood substitute for lunch, while everyone else except Reemagar had a meal served by the hotel. "You really drink that stuff?" That might have been the fiftieth time I'd heard a variation of that question during the mingling throughout the meal. I wondered if any of them were going to call me a f**king vampire.

I had a retort ready, but I think they knew better than to do that. Instead, I smiled and asked if they'd like to join me. I didn't get any takers. Wisps of smoke curled from Garde's nostrils from time to time, and I speculated as to whether any of those people knew that not only did they have an angry High Demon within striking distance, but I had their scents down and would never forget them.

Twylec's contingent managed to stay away from me, though, after their Queen's first insult. They should. I was watching them like a hawk and I think Rigo, Reemagar and Thurlow were, too. We discussed several agenda items that afternoon, but they didn't really amount to much and the votes were cast quickly.

The item I wanted to discuss most came on day four—that's when it would be decided whether each world could approve its own religions. I wanted my say and Grand Alliance Council oversight on that one. Grand Alliance Council oversight meant that each petitioning religion would be carefully investigated by the Grand Alliance Council before they were allowed to set up temples and collect donations on any world. In Solar Red's case, they'd be investigated before they could set up temples and start maiming and killing.

Meanwhile, there was a lot of other political bull crap to get through, and if Queen Tamaritha's pet Ra'Ak didn't tip their hand before the meeting was over on the seventh day, well, I was going to find a way to follow them right back home, and they were going to get a quick send-off. I wondered if Tamaritha, cousin to Satris who'd helped kill Davan, knew what was following her around.
