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Bryan had one of his vampire reporters there, and he was asking questions. We hadn't told the news crews to spill their guts to him so he was getting the runaround, but he knew it was coming. He asked the questions anyway, and anyone watching the newsfeeds would see evasive reporters. The information that I'd wanted to be passed along was given out—that Twylec had somehow been behind all this. When the newsfeeds and interviews were over, we sent the news crews packing—Trevor and his department made sure they were loaded up and moved off world in as little time as possible.

* * *

Viregruz cursed and then proceeded to destroy his private study. His brothers would have to destroy the bitch Queen, but their plans included destroying Nemizan with her. No matter—in the aftermath, the Reth Alliance would be scrambling, making it easy for him and Solar Red to take it over. New leaders would come quickly and more le'meruh would be implemented. Viregruz calmed himself and sent for a Blood Captain. Prylvis would be notified and Solar Red would prepare to send out more Ra'Ak priests at a moment's notice. The Reth Alliance would be theirs—sooner than anticipated.

* * *

"Thank goodness that's done," I muttered as Gavin followed me to my suite. I was shocked to find Roff and his brother, Markoff, waiting outside the door.

"Lissa, Giff's child has come," Roff said. I stared at him. He should be with her, celebrating. He seemed sad and upset instead.

"What's wrong?" I said immediately. Markoff's face reflected the emotion displayed by Roff, so I knew something had happened.

"Rolfe is trying to convince her otherwise, but well," Roff stared at his shoes.

"What my brother is attempting to say," Markoff took up the conversation, "is that Giff fears for her child. She knows of your father's betrayal and interference, and of the price on your head. She refuses to allow you near the child. She worries that Toff will not be the only child taken. I know this is a blow, and I have her resignation," Markoff handed an envelope to me.

I stared in shock at the envelope now in my hand. It was addressed to me—in Giff's hand. "The baby is all right?" I looked up at Roff.

"Yoff is fine." His face looked gray. The baby was fine—I just couldn't see him. Giff wouldn't allow it. If a more crushing blow could be delivered at the end of that long and awful day, I didn't know what it might be.

"Rolfe is trying to convince her that this is foolish," Roff held out a hand.

"Tell him not to bother. I'm going back to Nemizan, now." I folded away before anyone could stop me.

I'd wondered why Giff hadn't come to see me after I'd told her about Toff. Well, Griffin wasn't done harming me yet. He'd saved Wyatt at Toff's expense, and the expense of everyone around him. Since he'd broken the rules and interfered, there was no telling how many ripples that act had created, or how many lives might be affected before those ripples stopped somewhere. I intended to go to Nemizan, just as I'd said, but I took a detour, first.

The Guardian stood at the top of the Oklahoma State Capitol building three hundred years in the past. Night had fallen and a few stars twinkled overhead as I stared over the city. I remembered well the scents in the air around the city; it was early spring in Oklahoma. In nearby Nichols Hills, Gavin and I walked the perimeter of Winkler's borrowed mansion. If I'd known at that time just what my life might come to, would I have stood in the sun in a wheat field instead of digging into the soil to preserve my life? I didn't have an answer for that.

* * *

"Things have just taken a terrible turn," Griffin stared down at Wyatt, who slept peacefully in his crib.

"Brenten, what are you talking about?" Amara stared at her mate.

"I didn't bother Looking for all the Possibilities. I was afraid to go down those paths," Griffin sighed. "And now, Belen has removed my ability to Look into Wyatt's future. Since Lissa wouldn't punish me, he chose to do this in her stead. I've been Looking into the paths of others, now, and I don't know what to do. Deaths will come and there's no way for me to stop them."

"Tell me these deaths won't affect your daughter," Amara frowned at Griffin.

"I can't say that, Amara. I can't lie, so don't ask me."

"You just answered my question, Brenten. Whether you intended to or not. How many deaths will come?"

"Many," Griffin muttered before folding away.

Chapter 14

"Any legitimate religion should welcome an investigation into their background." I'd stood when my turn came to speak. "Not only should the world in question have approval, but that approval should also come from the Alliance itself. The Charter Members look carefully into each world before it is admitted to the Alliance; why can't each religion bear the same scrutiny?"

"Many religions have bloody beginnings, but are now widely accepted and serve the people," someone else across the room stood up to have his say. He was right about that—the Inquisition came to mind, among other things.

"Then put a time limit on that," I countered. "If they've changed and haven't engaged in unlawful practices for the past two hundred years, then the older stuff can be ignored. I don't see Solar Red giving up their torture and sacrifice anytime soon, do you? Red Hand is right behind them on that front, and Black Mist, if they decide to declare themselves a religion—well, let's hope we're all spared that."

"You think Black Mist will go that far?" Someone else stood and asked.

"How far do you think they've gone already?" I demanded. "They move about freely outside the Alliance worlds and would love to gain a legitimate foothold on the Alliance itself. Believe me when I say that there's something else there besides a group of bloodthirsty assassins who'd happily kill you, along with the one you'd paid them to kill." I looked about me. My argument was falling on deaf ears; the Ra'Ak had seen to that. I felt compelled to make the argument anyway—to get my objections on record, at least.

"Therefore," I went on, "you have to ask yourselves what it is that these religions want. Is it control? Do they wish to take your worlds from you by treachery and assassination? If so, what comes after that? What will happen when they have those worlds and only their own live upon them? Will they then war among themselves? I see no end to it. The time to stop Black Mist, Solar Red and Red Hand is now. While we have the opportunity and they only have a slight presence in the Alliance. If we wait, then we fall."

"You only say that because Black Mist has a price on your head." Tamaritha of Twylec stood to give her two cents.
