Page 58 of Puck the Holidays

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"Eyes on me, baby," he says quietly, but this time, it's different. It's not the sexy command by my sinfully sensual boyfriend that sends shivers down my spine. No, this time, it's something more. It's a plea. A promise. A connection that I can't explain.

So, I keep my eyes on him as I continue to slowly ride him. No dirty talk or games this time, just Connor and me and the feel of the two of us together in a way neither of us has ever felt before, will never feel again with anyone else if I have it my way.

“I love you,” I whisper, my eyes still locked with his.

“God,” he whispers, eyes sliding closed as if in pain for a moment. “Say it again.”

“I love you, Connor.”

His eyes snap back open and they’re blazing with lust and love and I nearly whimper.

“I love you, Hattie. I fucking love you so much.” He reaches down between us and slowly rubs my clit while I glide up and down, riding his cock long and hard. What could be minutes or hours later, I’m honestly not sure, he cuts off my scream with a kiss when I tip over the edge. He follows, moaning against my lips, and I collapse against his chest, tucking my face in the crook of his neck, still slowly rocking my hips as the little aftershocks of my orgasm shiver through me. He runs his fingers down my spine as we both find our breath again, and I don't think I've ever been so content in all my life.

We disentangle ourselves and clean up, and once we're dressed again, he lies down on the couch, pulling me down on top of him despite my half-hearted objections about his injury. He raises one of my wrists to his lips, gently kissing my still-healing cuts, something that he does at least once a day. I don’t know if it’s more for me or for him, but every time he does it, it makes me fall a little bit more in love with him.

I rest my head on his chest as he pets my hair and my lids grow heavy. I stare at the tree, the lights making the glittery ornaments sparkle like diamonds; at the stockings all hanging along the mantle—at the one Ollie had made for me with puff paint; at the snow gently falling outside the windows in the background.

"Merry Christmas, Hattie," Connor whispers.

"Merry Christmas, Connor."

I fall asleep with a smile on my lips, excited for what tomorrow holds, for what the rest of forever holds.

So, maybe Christmas isn't so bad after all.
