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“Is this your final decision?”

“Yes. I’m done.We’redone.”

Tobias watched him, his eyes thoughtful. They sat in the empty club, New York as impressive as ever under the setting sun. Anthony wondered if he would ever get to see the city from such height again, but if it meant seeing it from The Gentlemen’s Club, he preferred watching from the subway.

Tobias held his glass and absently swirled the thick red wine as Anthony took a sip of his water. He had refused to drink alcohol, knowing it may be mixed with one drug or another. It infuriated him that he had been allowing someone to drug him for months, convincing himself that he was safe. He hadn’t been safe from the moment he set foot in this club. It had taken him too much time to realize that, and even longer to do something about it.

“A pity,” Tobias finally said. “You’ve shown such promise. I grew very fond of you.”

Anthony remained quiet, knowing in his heart that he had been more than fond of Tobias. “Thank you. I... yeah, thank you.” He felt less sharp than he wanted to. His heart beat fast knowing he was about to leave this dark chapter behind him. He couldn’t wait for his world to become simpler and less dirty.

“You’re welcome,” Tobias said with a sad smile. “I’m honestly not surprised we’ve reached this point. You have been drifting away from me for a while now.”

That was true, but only because he had been seeing more sides of Tobias that scared him. What happened after he’d gotten back from the trip to Virginia had been the last straw.

Tobias leaned back and crossed his arms. “I guess there’s nothing more to say. I wish you well, Anthony. You deserve the best.”

He had honestly expected more of a fight, but Tobias’s tamed acceptance was the best possible outcome. He rose to his feet and gave a final nod to Tobias, then made his way toward the entrance, passing by the ridiculous sculptures he’d never grown fond of. By the time he got to the hallway leading to the elevator, his movement felt stiff, like walking against a current. Unpleasant warmth spread across his face, while his body broke into a cold sweat. With every new step, he began to accept that even a glass of water could be tampered with.

He leaned against the wall, breathing heavily. A few more steps and he would make it to the elevator, but his legs refused to move—they were barely supporting his weight.

I need to call Chris.But his phone was in his back pocket and may as well have been in a different city. He tried to use the wall to push his body forward, but his hands slipped, even when he tried to scratch the hard surface and splintered his fingernails.

Footsteps came from behind. Anthony tried to turn around, but the effort wasn’t worth it. Strong hands pulled him from the wall. He lost his footing and crashed on the floor, but there was no pain. The hands dragged him toward the same elevator he’d wanted to reach a minute before.

Then came darkness and swallowed him whole.


Based on the view from the tall window, Anthony assumed he was in the same building as the club, but about ten floors lower. He lay naked on a wide bed, his hands cuffed tightly to the headboard. It was nighttime, with the only light in the room coming from the skyscrapers outside, casting long shadows on the walls. Thick fog filled his skull, but he could detect faint voices from the other side of the door. It took him another ten minutes to feel lucid enough to use his voice. “Hey!” He was rewarded with a coughing fit that burned his lungs.

The door opened and Dima walked in wearing a tight blue shirt that emphasized his bulging muscles. “You’re finally up.”

Anthony cleared his throat, but it still felt ashy. “Where’s Tobias?”

“Where he wants to be.”

“I need to speak with him.”

Dima shrugged. “I don’t know when he’ll be back, but I’m here. You’re so lucky!”

“I need… I need to pee.”

“A lot of pee or a little bit?”

“A lot.”

Dima left and came back with an empty plastic bottle. Anthony shook his head. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”

Dima placed the bottle on the floor, then smashed his fist into Anthony’s stomach. The pain hit him like a bullet, jerking his body. He instinctively tried to move, but the tight handcuffs held him down.

Enough.Just play along for now.

Dima held Anthony’s limp cock and slid it into the bottle. Worried he might not have a chance to pee again for hours, Anthony ignored the pain in his stomach and peed into the bottle.

“Careful,” Dima said. “No peeing on me.”

Luckily, he finished peeing before the bottle filled up, but it was close. Dima left and shut the door behind him.
