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Oh, thank God.

Tobias let go of Anthony’s arm and turned around. “You didn’t go for a swim?”

“Don’t have a bathing suit, and I’m not in the mood. Where are you guys heading?”

“To have sex, obviously. Anything you need?”

“There’s food in the kitchen,” Dima said, his fingers holding tight to Anthony’s bicep and keeping him steady.

Anthony tried again to fall but got nothing from his limbs, a guest in his own body.

“Nah, I’m not hungry,” Jay said. “But I tell you what, I am rather beat. How about I go grab some shuteye in one of the bedrooms upstairs?”

“Upstairs? Hmm. Yes, of course. Go ahead.”

“Sweet. See you gentlemen later. Stay good, Ant.”

Fucking get back here!

Dima whistled in relief once Jay walked away. “Close one.”

“Too close. I told you we should have done it downstairs.” Tobias wiped drool from Anthony’s bottom lip. “Let’s go.”

Both men firmly held his arms and steered him forward.

Inside his head, he screamed for help.



“Isn’t this bed marvelous? It’s an antique. Well, at least Tobias claims it is.”

“Yeah, it’s cool.” Ethan looked around the room nervously, causing Chris to have second thoughts about his idea of them sticking together. He needed to be in his element, and worrying about Ethan was a risky distraction.

Oscar shoved Chris onto the bed, then slowly removed his clothes. Chris had a flashback—many flashbacks—of different men getting undressed so he could please them.

You’re going to be the last one, he vowed, then remembered he had made such vows before, yet here he was now.

Oscar got down to his underwear, his body smooth and pale, his chest firmer than his stomach. From the look of his erection through the dark underwear, Chris assumed his cock was on the small side. He made sure not to let his eyes linger. He had always tried to keep the men as abstract as possible, blurry shapes so that they wouldn’t be imprinted on his mind. The fewer the details, the easier it was to forget.

Oscar climbed the bed and sat on Chris’s thighs, his weight uncomfortable. He placed his palms on Chris’s stomach and roamed over his skin. “Mmm, so soft and smooth.Stroke me.”He placed Chris’s hand on his erection. “Let’s see how good of a toy you are.”

Chris fondled the cock beneath the fabric, knowing exactly how much pressure to use and how best to brush his thumb against the covered slit. It was no surprise to hear Oscar start to moan.

Ethan stood quietly on the other side of the room, and Chris forced himself not to glance his way. Despite their intimacy at the cabin, this was different. Chris was peeling layers of his flesh, giving Ethan a glimpse into a darker level of his being. He didn’t worry Ethan might resent him afterward, but he did feel sad for causing another dent in his innocence.

Without needing to be told, Chris pulled down the front of Oscar’s underwear. He was bigger than expected, but far from being a challenge.

“It’s beautiful.”

“You think so?”

Chris looked into Oscar’s eyes. “I don’t lie about the things I like.”

Oscar shuddered. “I knew you’d be special. From the moment I saw you in the club, I just knew. It’s hard to find reasons to be excited these days.”

“You should have hit on me sooner.”
