Page 17 of Wed to Jack Frost

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She didn’t sound scared, simply awed. That gave me hope as I reached to grab the oil.

“We got this at the temple. Remember?” I asked, showing her the glass bottle full of syrupy, golden liquid. “They sell this when there is a significant difference in size. It will help. Don’t worry, snowdrop. I’ll make sure you’re ready.”

She glanced at the oil, then at my face, her throat bobbing as she swallowed. “But, Jack… It’s… It’s so long. And thick. And… strange.”

I nodded. I actually had some human porn in my collection, so I knew why she found the sight of my cock so shocking.

“And where… Where do you normally keep it?” she asked again, looking mesmerized. When my cock jerked again, her fascinated gaze feeling like a caress, she made a soft sound in her throat and shuffled closer, her fingers twitching.

“In here,” I said, spreading my legs so she could see the furry sheath hiding the root of my cock. “It only comes out when I’m horny.”

Her guttural sound made my balls tingle. They were hidden inside my body yet bulging slightly through my skin. If she stroked me there, she would be able to feel them, and if she just squeezed a little…

I groaned and Scarlett shot me an inquisitive look. “This is killing me, little snowdrop. Please, don’t worry, all right? They know their stuff at the temple. You’ll be fine. And I can control myself enough not to hurt you.”

“Why is it thicker at the base?” she asked, eyes returning to my cock.

“I doubt it will go inside you,” I said regretfully, because knotting was one of my favorite parts of sex. “But since you ask… It’s a knot. It can swell and lock us together when I come.”

“Oh, like a dog,” she said, a tight frown giving her an air of intense concentration.

I snorted, offended by the comparison even as her cute expression caused another flutter of arousal to shudder up my cock. “I doubt dog cocks are shaped like this.”

She nodded, tracing the curve of my cock with her eyes. It was gray, the same color as my tail, protruding, bluish veins winding their way up the curved shaft. It curved away from my body, the shaft an even, symmetrical arc. The head was blue from intense, prolonged arousal, its shape bulging, clear precum trickling out of the long slit that almost parted the tip in two even halves. The head was almost as thick as the knot, but not quite, and the knot would swell even more when I came.

“If you’d rather skip brushing me and go straight to the sex…” I began, my mind growing hazy with lust.

But Scarlett interrupted, giving me a slicing look that made my cock burst with more precum. “No! I won’t deprive you of your tradition. Give me the brush.”

I was half-disappointed, half-gratified when I handed her the brush and she told me to get comfortable on the carpet. I knew if I lay on my stomach, I would just hump the floor like an animal, so I stretched out on my back, fidgeting until the position was comfortable for my tail.

“Oh. Um. All right,” Scarlett said, her cheeks on fire. I grinned, putting one arm behind my head and her eyes widened with heat, a stern look creeping onto her face.

“Are you trying to make me uncomfortable on purpose?” she asked, her eyes narrowing as she lightly tapped the brush against her open palm.

My tail flicked with excitement as I tracked the movement of her hand, my grin slinking off my face instantly. Ole Frost’s mighty ball sack, she looked like she wanted to smack me with that brush, and that made my cock pulse with another bout of debilitating horniness.

As if this could get any hotter.

“What would you do if I was?” I asked carefully, doing my best to contain my excitement before I embarrassed myself.

She frowned, thinking, and my tail twitched with agitation. “I would make you beg for every stroke of the brush,” she said finally, making me groan. “But since you stopped this nonsense, I can just…”

She exhaled, bracing her shoulders, and knelt by my side. “Do I have to brush all of you?” she asked, slowly running the brush down my arm.

I winced when the brush tugged on a tangle. Okay, so maybe I should have brushed a tad more often. Scarlett just raised an eyebrow and attacked the tangle with intent focus until it was gone.

“N-no,” I said, gritting my teeth to keep my cock from shooting. “Usually… From what I heard, that is, couples brush each other until they can no longer control themselves.”

“Humph,” Scarlett snorted softly, tackling another tangle down my arm. “Well, clearly those couples are better at self-care than you. I saw everyone else’s fur tonight. Yours looked the worst.”

I winced, a strange mixture of hurt and complete devotion overwhelming my poor brain. My cock spurted more precum, and Scarlett’s breath caught when she noticed. “Are you… do you like this?” she asked, raising incredulous eyes to my face. “When I tell you off?”

I nodded eagerly, and her expression softened. She ran the brush through the fur she had already detangled, and it felt so good, a purr rumbled in my chest. She startled, looking at me with wide eyes, and I swallowed, clenching my fists to keep myself from stroking my cock.

We hadn’t even touched properly, and this was already the hottest sex of my life. What did that say about me? Dear gods.

“It… We purr. When it feels good,” I said, struggling to form words. A pink, hazy mist descended on my mind, getting worse with every tingling brush stroke, and I knew I was too far gone. Scarlett was naked by my side, her perky little breasts rising and falling with rapid breaths, her eyes sharp, the tang of her arousal thick in the air. I was certain I wouldn’t be able to control myself like I wanted to when the time came to fuck her.
