Page 19 of Wed to Jack Frost

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“Ready to make my fur shine?” he asked in a low voice, and I couldn’t help but look at his cock. It was still hard, and the sight made my belly ache with pleasure. “You don’t have to be gentle,” he added with a grin.

I arched my brow, sitting on my heels by his side, and got to work on his other arm. “You like pain then?”

Jack groaned softly when I tugged harshly on a tangle and shook his head. “Not pain as such. I like… force. Maybe a bit of violence.”

I stared at him, my pussy fluttering with a surprising bout of arousal. I wet my lips, the brush forgotten for a moment when I tried to understand the implications of what Jack just said.

“How much violence?” I asked finally. “Give me examples, monster boy.”

He groaned, his cock twitching, and I gasped softly, my insides really clenching now. I returned to brushing him, not being gentle at all, and looked closely between Jack’s face and his cock to gauge his reactions.

“I like it when someone squeezes my balls,” he said in a strained voice when I quickly dealt with another tangle and directed him to raise his arm so I could brush the other side. “And I, uh, have this… this paddle thing. To swat my… my butt when I’m naughty.”

“Naughty,” I repeated incredulously, squirming in place, because the thought of getting to smack Jack’s furry ass made my pussy thrum with want. “Naughty how?”

I ran the brush slowly through detangled fur until Jack purred, and then I switched to his torso, brushing out the tangles with just enough force to make his cock twitch.

“Like… If you told me to do something, and I didn’t or was too slow to obey,” he choked out, breathing hard now. “Or if I displeased you in some way. Say… if I forgot your birthday. You could paddle me hard for that.”

I couldn’t tear my eyes away from his leaking cock. The head had turned gray like his shaft after he came, but it was back to blue now, straining and twitching with every touch of the brush.

“Are you telling me you want me to order you around? And punish you if you don’t obey?” I asked, looking back at his face with wide eyes. It sounded too good to be true.

Because, if I were honest with myself, I would do both of these things anyway. I would make demands of Jack, and if he misbehaved, I would threaten him or stomp on his feet. This was how I dealt with men and why I was known as such a shrew. This was what ultimately drew everyone away from me.

The idea that he might actually enjoy that was almost impossible to believe, but at the same time, it made wild, uncontrollable hope bloom in my chest.

“Well, when we’re al-alone,” Jack stuttered when I drew the brush down his stomach, stopping inches away from the base of his cock. “Everyone would… w-would laugh at me if I let my… if I let you order me around.”

“Oh, would they?” I said darkly, working on the fur at the tops of his thighs. Jack’s legs shook, and his cock was coated, the wetness gathering in the fur around his sheath. “Even if I made it really clear what happens to people who laugh at us?”

Jack’s cock jerked, and he looked at me with wide eyes, his now shiny chest rising and falling rapidly.

“You would threaten people to defend me?” he asked, his tail slashing from side to side in excitement.

“Not just threaten,” I said casually, working my way down his legs. “I might put lard in their shoes, free their pigs, or set their children against them.” I felt ashamed when Jack’s eyes bulged with shock, so I hurried to explain, “Not that I have done any of that recently. Mostly when I was younger and very angry, and I grew out of that. I wouldn’t do anything so unpleasant to your family.”

Jack looked at me in silence, and my face burned as I brushed his fur, already working on his shins. Finally, he cleared his throat, and I reluctantly looked up, cringing away from the judgment I expected to see in his face.

Jack looked down his body at me, his head propped up on his arm, a wide grin stretching his mouth. For a moment, I was weak with relief that he didn’t hate me.

“Vicious little snowdrop,” he rumbled with affection. “I can teach you some of the pranks we pull on each other. I haven’t done any of them in a long time, but it should be fun. So if anyone gives you grief, you’ll know what to do.”

I grinned back, brushing through his fur a few more times for good measure. It looked so much better now. “I can handle myself,” I said finally, shaking my hand out and checking if blisters formed. Brushing Jack was a surprisingly challenging task. “But you were worried people might laugh. So, I can tell them off for you. I’m good at it.”

His eyes glittered as he nodded, sitting up with a groan. “You are,” he said softly. ”Well, ready to brush my backside?”

I laughed when he winked, and soon, he sat cross-legged with his arms folded on the bed while I untangled the fur down his back. It was even worse than at the front, probably because he couldn’t reach it on his own.

“Seriously,” I hissed when my hand cramped up, and Jack groaned after I tugged hard on a tangle. My arousal simmered somewhere in the back, but mostly, I felt sweaty and annoyed. “Why have you been so neglectful? You’re such a slob, furball. I really should paddle your ass for that.”

When he moaned and arched his back, I froze, thrown by his reaction. A moment later, Jack’s tail wound around my waist, the tip sliding down my stomach. I swatted it away, and Jack moaned again.

“Oh,” I said finally, my cheeks burning even as a pleasant buzz chased my annoyance away. “I see. This is going to be a problem.”

Jack looked at me over his shoulder, smiling lazily. “Why? It works for me.”

I shook my head and bit back a laugh. I really shouldn’t encourage him, but it just felt so nice. That he wanted me for my barbs and hard edges, and not despite them, was something I never thought was possible.
