Page 23 of Wed to Jack Frost

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I did, burying my fingers in his fur.

“In years, huh?” I asked, shifting a bit until his cock gave another small twitch, and Jack exhaled a frustrated breath.

“Yes,” he grunted. “People have… expectations. Once a male reaches a certain age. It was easier not to be with anyone.”

So he really was afraid of commitment. I snorted, patting his chest not too gently.

“Oh? I thought you were too young to marry?” I asked, smirking when he shifted uncomfortably, making his cock jolt inside me. He hissed even as his purring grew louder. He clearly enjoyed himself.

His tail wrapped more tightly around my shin and kept sliding back and forth in a caress. Jack rumbled out a sheepish laugh and gently scratched down my back. “Well, Iamyoung. Relatively young.”

“Is that another way to say ‘immature’?” I asked, unable to hold back the sharp comment.

But he just sighed, his breath fanning my hair. “Maybe,” he mumbled. “I’m sure you’ll whip me into shape. And I’ll keep you young, too. Healing magic can do that. You’ll outlive me.”

That gave me pause, but I shrugged it off. I wasn’t worried about aging or death, because it was so far away. I had more pressing things to consider, like my immediate future. All my goals were completed. I was married, the marriage was consummated, and I had no idea what to do next.

Well, I did have an idea. Playing with Jack was fun.

I squirmed, finding his nipple again to pinch it lightly. He yelped and flexed his hips, jostling me, and then caught my hand so I wouldn’t be tempted to tease him again. He growled a bit, but he still purred, so I settled more comfortably on top of him with a smile. A low throb of arousal pulsed in my belly, but I was still relaxed and soft.

“That sounds useful,” I conceded, at which he tightened his hold around me.

“Sleep, snowdrop,” he said. “It’s been a long day. And evening.”

I yawned immediately, closing my eyes. It was pleasantly warm, the fire burning low in the fireplace, the candles flickering softly. Jack’s low purr settled deep inside me, reverberating in my marrow until I fell into a deep, dreamless sleep for the first time in years.

I felt safe, with no volatile father threatening to wake me at any time and no threat from greedy goblins. In the old, sturdy Frost home, in a beautiful snowy town in the mountains, with my furry monster breathing calmly, I could finally let go.

At least until morning when I woke up in a cold bed, completely alone.

Chapter 15


It was evening, my final job of the year was long done, and yet, I still lingered in the workshop, unsure why I was hiding anymore. I had no reason to. Last night with Scarlett had been the most amazing sexual experience in my life, and there had been quite a few good ones in the past, so it meant a lot. I wanted to see her again, talk to her, run my hand through her hair.

And yet, I didn’t. Roiling unease squirmed in my gut, chasing hunger away. I hadn’t eaten anything after getting an early breakfast in the morning, and I didn’t want to. For one, it would mean I had to go to the kitchen and meet Scarlett or my mother.

Which was ridiculous. I had no reason to avoid either of them.

But as it got later and later, and I saw the lights in the dining room turn on, indicating dinner, I still didn’t budge. I had started another project, a set of drawer fronts for a dresser I would make when I got more wood.

I carved intricate, beautiful snowdrops in the wood, thinking about Scarlett and sighing wistfully from time to time. Even I knew I behaved like a lovesick fool. So why didn’t I go to see her?

When the lights went out in the dining room, my skin prickled with anticipation. Scarlett wouldn’t leave me to my bullshit, would she? She would come for me, lips pursed, eyes casting thunders, and I would follow her meekly to the bedroom, where she would punish me for avoiding her. It only stood to reason.

My cock almost slipped out of my sheath when I heard the crunching snow outside. Any moment, she would come in and scold me. I practically shook with excitement.

So when my father appeared in the doorway instead of my snowdrop, it was like a bucket of cold water.

“You were missed at dinner, Jack,” he said kindly, smiling as he shook snow off his feet. “What are you working on?”

“Just something for the new house,” I muttered, pointing at the worktop. “Thought I’d get ahead on that.”

“Did you run it past your lady?” Father asked, eyes narrowing with admonition. “Remember, Jack: always ask. It’s the best way to keep the lady happy, eh? You’re not on your own anymore. Time to man up.”

I grunted, the unease in my gut swelling until it became a bad stomach ache. My father liked preaching about marriage and the rules every husband must obey, and even though I hated his little talks, I listened dutifully. After all, he and Mother were happily married for over a hundred years.
