Page 29 of Wed to Jack Frost

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They chatted easily while we walked up the slope, the crowd now spreading all over the road and pavement. It became much looser and quiet enough to talk without shouting. When Iggy, Mary’s brother, complained loudly that she got to ride on her father’s shoulders while he didn’t, I picked him up so he could ride on mine. He squealed with joy, and soon, me and Ivo raced up the street, the kids laughing madly and pretending we were their steeds riding to battle.

When we reached the heaving main square, the musicians were already up on a dais, playing fast, Yule music for the dancing crowd. I got mulled wine for Scarlett and Ma, letting Iggy down so he could play with the other kids.

When my beautiful snowdrop reached me, her face flushed from cold and excitement, all worries were flung from my mind, already busy planning to teach Scarlett my favorite dances and treat her to all the best Yule snacks I could get.

It was our first date, after all. I wanted it to be special.

Chapter 18


Iwas definitely tipsy and having the time of my life. I danced a few Yule dances with Jack, picking up the steps fast enough to have fun without feeling self-conscious. The wine definitely helped, too, though Jack was an exceptional dancer and teacher. He moved with grace, nimble on his feet despite his huge frame, his tail slashing the air as he whirled me around on the wooden dancefloor.

When we both needed a break, we stopped by to chat with Tatiana and Ivo, their children lost in the crowd, running with a huge pack of their friends. They were cute and furry, all giggling madly as they tried to tie little jingling bells to the tails of unsuspecting adults.

Jack kept buying me more wine and snacks. I got to eat the sugared nuts, which were so hot, they burned my tongue, but that just made them better. He got me crispy cakes dripping with honey, a spicy tea that heated me up so much, I had to take off my scarf and hat, and a beautiful set of golden bangles with little bells that jingled every time I moved my hand.

It was all so delightful, I hardly believed my luck. As it got dark, beautiful fairy lights lit all over the main square, bathing it in pink and gold. People greeted Jack, and he kept introducing me to everyone, his tail twitching against my thigh whenever someone called me his wife. He never did, simply introducing me by my name, but I didn’t mind. It felt like he was proud of me, eager to show me off, and it made me glow from within.

I had never been happier and more relaxed. At some point, I even had a pleasant conversation with Ivo and Jack’s father, who was very interested in human cuisine. I promised I’d make cheesecake if I could get the right ingredients. Neither of them had ever heard of a cake made from cheese and they were intrigued.

“Having fun?” Jack asked me later in the night, when the square filled with raucous laughter and shouts, all the children now gone, hauled back home by their parents. We had just stepped off the dancefloor, both flushed and breathing fast.

“This is the best day of my life,” I said truthfully.

I knew I was drunk, the hot wine getting me sloshed faster than a cold drink, but Jack was steady by my side. He kept his arm around me, stooping to reach me comfortably, or wound his tail around my wrist. Such behavior normally irked me since I found it patronizing, but when he did it, I couldn’t help but smile.

“Shall we go home?” he murmured in my ear, his hand stroking down my back. “Remember how you called me a puppy earlier today? You could do it again when we’re alone.”

I lurched into him, drawn close by his sultry voice, and Jack’s hand briefly dipped to caress my ass. I laughed, too drunk to care, and gripped the fur on his chest to catch my balance. “Puppy? For real?” I asked, more laughter bubbling out of me. “Well, it kinda fits. You’re so furry and cute.”

“Mmm, I can be very cute. Especially when you call me nice names,” he said, putting both hands around me. “So, can we go? I promise we won’t miss out on anything. There’s another party tomorrow. Every day until the last day of Yule.”

“Every day?” I gasped, pushing slightly away so I could look at the enchanting main square with its magical lights and music that made my blood go faster. “Wow. Your town is the best.”

Jack grinned, running his fingers down my cheek, his eyes glowing with warmth and desire. I grinned back, nodding. “Let’s go back. Puppy.”

He groaned quietly and caught my hand, leading me out of the square, which was still packed with people. Someone called out to him, wishing us a good night in a rambunctious shout, and Jack waved back, smirking.

“Oh, it will be good,” he murmured so only I could hear it.

We left the crowd behind, the voices and music fading. Soon, the loudest sounds around were the crunching of snow and the yowling of some animals not far away. “What’s that?” I asked curiously, never having heard a sound quite like that.

Jack chuckled. “Mountain cats going at it in the snow. Strange at this time of the year, but maybe they feel the holiday cheer.”

I snickered, lurching into him, my body so delightfully loose. For once, I didn’t feel like I had to keep my guard up. No man was going to sidle up to me and try to get me to suck his cock. Not that it happened often as I grew older and my reputation spread. But it happened a lot when I was younger. Enough to make me dread being out on my own after dark. I dreaded other things, too. People insulting me because of my low social standing or thieves trying to rob me.

It was my first time walking somewhere at night and feeling safe, but then, I wasn’t alone. Jack was with me, and he was big and strong, even if he liked me ordering him around when we were alone.

Out here, he kept me safe.

The yowling got louder, and Jack laughed, shaking his head. “Sounds like more than one couple. These are some horny mountain cats.”

He put his arm around me, making it a bit harder to walk, but he kept me steady, too. Despite my winter boots, I was afraid of slipping in my current state.

We went slowly down the sloping street. The soft glow of fire brightened some windows lining the street, a few houses decorated with fairy lights that gleamed pink and yellow on the doors and windowsills. I still heard the music faintly, and it just felt so peaceful.

Until a loud, miserable yowl came from right behind us.
