Page 7 of Wed to Jack Frost

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Oh, dear gods and Ole Frost, I’m getting married. Fuck, fuck, fuck.

Scarlett bit her lip, and then, her features rearranged, sharpening into a suspicious glare as she stuck her bleeding hand out to me, her long fingers trembling. “Do you carry bandages in your pockets or something?” she asked, watching me keenly with narrowed eyes.

“No,” I said, suddenly unsure. Would my magic freak her out? It was too late to wonder, so I clasped her fingertips gently in my claws and explained. “All Frosts can do certain magic. It just so happens I am adept at healing. You will feel a bite of cold and then your skin will be whole. Uh… Hope you don’t mind?”

She watched me for a moment, her lips pursed, before her expression softened as she gave me a tiny smile. Well, not really a smile. More like a half-curl of her upper lip that pulled up her cheek, revealing a hint of a dimple.

My insides swooned with a rush of affection that took me completely by surprise, and I cleared my throat, staring at her with my mouth open like a total jackass.

The tiny quarter-smile vanished, and Scarlett gave me a glare that, instead of cooling off my affection, made my belly tighten with a deeper kind of heat. I clenched my jaw, cursing at my body’s inappropriate reactions.

“Well? What are you waiting for?” she demanded, and I exhaled in a rush, doing my best to concentrate.

“Sorry. As I said, it will feel cold for a moment. Ready?”

She nodded and I let my frosty magic loose, pouring the stream into her palm. The torches lining the walls flickered, and Scarlett’s injured skin glowed blue as she gasped, her fingers twitching in my gentle hold. But she didn’t pull back, watching with wide eyes until the glow vanished, and her palm rested in mine, fully healed and clean of blood.

She looked up, her eyes wide open in awe, her face soft and vulnerable. I stared, unable to look away, our eyes locked in the most intimate, romantic moment of my life.

Which quickly burst like a soap bubble when Scarlett reared back, looking completely horrified, and then plastered a scowl on her face, fuming at me. All the glacial fury in her blue eyes was focused on me, and after everything, it was too much.

Her furious look made my eager cock peek hopefully out of its sheath until I stumbled back, the wet head rubbing against my underwear.Uh-oh. Go back in there.

“Uh. Shall we go?” I asked, desperately trying to make my half-boner go away. Why,whydid Scarlett’s angry attitude make me so horny? Or was it just her scent? I didn’t even know anymore, I just knew I would do anything she wanted, which was evident because… I was about to marry her.

It filled me with existential dread, and I was still doing it. Damn the temple’s magical matchmaking or whatever they did in here. Damn it to the seven hells of deep freeze, because it made me do the one thing I dreaded the most in my life. With a stranger, on top of everything.

Scarlett gave me a fierce look and turned on her heel, striding toward a gilded door, her skirts swishing around her legs. I cocked my head to the side, watching her bottom as she walked. With the movement, the material almost clung to her curves for one brief moment, and before I knew it, the half-boner was back, chafing in my pants.

Reindeer’s ass. This is embarrassing.

“In here,” she called over her shoulder, opening the door.

I followed, stopping just inside and taking in the spacious, marble chamber with a large metal bowl of eternal blue fire in the middle. Scarlett stopped by it and looked back at me, her hands clasped together, fingers winding and unwinding until she looked down with a frown and clenched her hands into fists, letting them rest at her sides.

Now I was certain she was nervous. I wondered if she was afraid of me. Or maybe she thought I was flaky and would bail on her since she had to practically bully me into agreeing to this wedding. My gut roiled with doubt again, fear piercing through me at the thought of being married, so I quickly cast around for anything to say to distract myself.

Because I was doing it. She’d die if I didn’t and I couldn’t let that happen now, could I?

Dear gods, she smelled so good.

“We have this wedding night tradition,” I blurted out, my cock apparently in charge now that I was busy battling my qualms.

Scarlett stepped from foot to foot, her scent growing more potent with the movement, before she fixed me with a flat stare. Her hands still shook, even though she clenched them really hard. I cursed my lack of sensitivity, but it was no use backing out—her eyes bid me to go on.

“Ah, yes. So we—the Frosts—have fur. As you can see, of course,” I muttered, getting embarrassed. She arched an eyebrow but said nothing, so I plowed on. “And it’s traditional for newlyweds to, uh, brush each other’s fur. On their wedding night.”

I cringed internally, waiting for her reaction—but at least I wasn’t panicking about the impending wedding anymore. Finally, Scarlett gave me her quarter-smile, and I breathed out in relief. “But I don’t have fur,” she said, pointing at herself.

“You have beautiful hair,” I said instantly, gazing at the mane of long, blond hair that framed her face and cascaded down her shoulders and back. “I can… I can brush it. If you want. Though we don’t have to… You don’t have to…” I looked at her with desperation, because I was quickly reaching the end of my tether.

Why was I getting married again? And at fifty-four? Was I insane? Did she bewitch me?

But then, Scarlett’s quarter-smile morphed into a half-smile, deepening the dimple in her cheek, and I rememberedwhyI was still here. Because ofthat.Honestly, if I could get her to smile at me just once a day, it would be worth it.

I stared at her face, made mischievous and sprite-like by the smile. She only had one dimple, which was adorable and made me want to lean down and kiss it.

“I… It sounds nice,” she said after a moment, the amusement replaced by a wary look. “Any… other traditions I should know about?”
