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Wait, how does Colin know this?

“Colin, how did you know he kissed her?” I ask, folding my arms across my chest.

“I’d like to know that too,” Parker says.

“No, you don’t get to speak yet,” I say to Parker.

“I… well… I was over at her house, and I kissed her. But then she lashed out at me about how we boys need to stop kissing her, and I freaked out on her.”

“What the fuck, Colin? Since when do you just go to her house and kiss her?”

“It wasn’t like that, Ry. I mean, I have feelings for her. Unlike you two, who just pushed her away from the moment she walked into class. I claimed dibs on her. That bastard over there kissed her, too!” He points to Parker, who is just bouncing the ball as if none of this phases him.

“So, am I the only one who has not kissed her? I was her boyfriend!”

Parker laughs, “If you can even call it that, we were kids. Get over it.”

“Both of you can go to hell. I called dibs!” Colin shouts.

“You can’t call dibs on someone who was mine from the start!” Parker throws the ball right at Colin.

“Guys, Stop! Just stop. This is ridiculous. We are brothers! I get it. We all like her and want her. But why does she have to choose?” I ask, pulling both hands through my hair. They both just stare at me for a moment, then at each other. They both then give slight nods, and a smile cracks their lips.

Parker is the first to speak, “Are you implying we all share her? As in, she dates the three of us?”

“I’m saying that it's not right of us to make her choose. If she were to choose either one of you over me, I would be happy for you both, just as I would hope you would be happy for me and her if she picked me. What I’m saying is we share everything, so why not let her control this? If she wants to be with one or all of us. It’s her choice.”

Colin pushes off the basketball cart he was leaning on and places his right hand in front of Parker and me, “I’m in. You're my brothers. What's mine is yours. Let her have full control.”

I’m next to place my hand on his, “If she wants one, we will be happy for our brother. We will still have each other if she wants all or none.”

We both glance at Parker, who looks hesitant. “Before I agree to this, I say we have some fun with her first. Get her open to the idea of having us all before we tell her. After all, Ryan still has yet to kiss her.” He then places his hand on ours and gives a devil of a smile.

Abigail Burns is ours, and we are hers. She just doesn't know it yet. But she soon will.



I’vebeenkissed.TWICE.Both by Parker, who I still can’t believe kissed me, and Colin, who took me by complete surprise even though he warned me. What is going on with these guys? If I could have slapped them across the face, I would have, if I only was not so stunned.

“Abigail,” my mom knocks on my door. “What are you doing at home? It’s the weekend, sweetie, why aren’t you out with your new friends? Those boys were delightful and easy on the eyes. Ryan sure grew up.”

“Mom, seriously? They are not my friends.”

The doorbell rings, cutting my mom’syou need to live your life speech.She's not alone when she makes her way down the hall back to my room.

“Hey sweetie, look who it is. Yournotfriend Ryan.” I give her a stern look. “I’ll just go make myself busy.”

“What are you doing here?” I ask.

“I’m here to pick you up. We have a party to go to. So get dressed,” he says as he pulls open my closet doors.

“Excuse me, sir,” I get up from my bed, pushing him out of the way of my closet, and close the doors, “But what makes you think I am in the mood for a party?”

“You’ve been here awhile now. It’s time to make new friends.”

“And whose party is this?” I ask, tilting my head to the side and tapping my foot.
