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WalkingintoschoolonMonday was rough. Pictures of Savannah were posted all over the school, and they even had police officers and detectives pulling kids out of classes to try and figure out what happened to her. I have only known her briefly, but even I know she is not one to run off and not tell anyone about it. Her social media has not been updated, and even her minions have no idea where she would have gone or who she wandered off with.

“So you don't know the whereabouts of Savannah King. Is that what you are saying? Because according to a few other kids, you and Savannah have some sort of history. If you did anything, it is best to come clean now than for us to find out.” Detective Fiori, the lead officer on her case, sits across the table in front of me, tapping on his stale coffee cup.

“I just met her. I am new to the school, so I am not sure history is what you would call what we have. She was upset with me for talking to her ex, Parker. But Parker and I used to be childhood friends. I guess she did not like that I was at her party, and we were all playing truth or dare. Parker and I kissed, and she stormed off. That was the last time we all saw her.”

He nods. “Your story matches up, Miss Burns. If you hear of anything, here is my card. Please take it and call me.”

“Yes, Detective,” I say, taking his card and standing up from the most uncomfortable chair in the school. I think they do that on purpose to make you on edge and get you to talk.

Colin and I are in the library for study hall together. It’s fifth period, and the school is abuzz talking about the party and Savannah. Colin nudges my arm and asks, “You okay there, dollface?” I simply nod in response.

“Come on, let's go,” Colin says, taking my hand as he stands up. I follow him down isles and stacks of books until we are near the back of the library, far away from anyone and everyone else. It’s a bit creepy back here, with one light flickering above us, and the books are all covered in dust.

“What part of the library is this?” I ask, running my finger along the spine of a book, and about an inch of dust falls off of it. Wiping my finger on my pants, I look up at Colin for a response, but instead, he just takes a step closer to me, pushing me up against the back wall.

“Did you think you were going to get away with it?” he says with a growl into my ear.

My breath catches in my lungs, and I am speechless. “Did you think that you could kiss Parker and nearly fuck Ryan at the party and not give me even a bone to sink my teeth into?” He presses a firm hand against the nape of my neck. My heart races, and I know he can feel me breathing harder as my chest rises and falls against him.

Colin is not like Parker or Ryan. He is gentle and sweet, and his behavior right now is doing something to me. It's a turn-on for sure, but completely unexpected from my redheaded hottie.

“Col, what are you doing?” I ask as I glance down at his lips so close to mine that I can feel the heat of his breath.

“Shhh, you're in a library, gorgeous. You don’t want to make a sound.” His hand twists from the back of my neck to the front, and I wear his fingers around my throat like a necklace. He squeezes slightly, taking my air away while he crashes his lips to mine in a feverous and ravenous way. He pushes his body up against mine and wedges his leg between my thighs so I can grind up on him, and boy, do I ever. His hard cock is pushed against his jeans like it's about to tear at the seams to be set free.

“Shhhhh….” he reminds me, “don’t make a sound.”

“That’s going to be hard to do when you are making me feel so good,” I say breathlessly. I don’t know what has gotten into these three friends of mine, but I am not going to stand here and say I don’t like it. Having the attention of the three hottest guys in school is kind of awesome, apart from the staring I get from the female population. Granted, if this keeps up, I can see myself falling for all of them, and I can’t do that to them. It will break their friendship, and I don’t want to be the cause of that. Plus, I wouldn’t be able to choose.

Colin pushes off of me. I am panting and ready to take him right here in this library.

He begins to count down, “Three, two, one…”

The bell rings for us to get to our next class.

As Colin makes his way down the aisle of books, he smacks his ass as if he knew that was exactly where I was staring and shouts, “You can bite it later, sweet cheeks!”

Getting worked up without being taken over the top is getting old.

After our little moment in the library, my panties were soaked the rest of the day.

Damn him. And damn him for making me feel so goddamn amazing.

These men are going to be the end of me, and honestly, I’m okay with that. I just have no idea how to navigate this new territory. Ryan and Colin have both expressed their interest in their ways basically from the start, but with Parker, I still don’t know what is going on there. Not that I would want all three men to have feelings for me. That's insane. But is it?

All three have something the other does not, and if they were all the same guy, he would be my ideal man. Colin is fun and loveable and, dare I say it, fire. I never know what he will do next, and he constantly surprises me.

Ryan has always been my forever and always. From when we were little kids to even now, I can’t picture him not being in my life with me. I’ve always loved him, and you never forget your first love. The way he makes me feel, it's as if he has a claim on me. My soul belongs to him.

Parker, my dark and tortured Parker. He has written me off at every twist and turn and then goes and kisses me and takes my dare and leaves me panting, practically begging him for more in a crowd full of people. I need to know if this is one-sided with him. Pushing all thoughts of reason out of my mind, I decided to find out.

I walk straight over to Parker’s. To my surprise, his gate is open, and he’s outside in his driveway working on his motorcycle. I take a moment to admire him; he’s shirtless, and the man is a god. His soft v-cut has me drooling, and before I can truly admire him and all he is, he spots me out of the corner of his eye. “What are you doing here?” he asks.

“Truth or dare,” I say, walking toward him, placing my hand on his bike, and running my fingers along the handlebars.

“What are you doing? Why are you here, Abigail?”
