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And so many more. I yell out to Colin in a panic. “We need to leave now. Parker is hurt.” He drops his shirt and the bottle on the gravel at his feet. He quickly gets into the car, and the next thing I know, we are leaving a trail of dust behind us.



Thismorningbeforeschool,Ryan came over with his truck, and we loaded up my bike and dropped it off at the shop.

I called a window repair company after Abigail left, and they came and fixed it for me. When I find out who did it, they’re dead. I have a feeling that it's one of the players on the team we are facing on Friday. They better be ready for us because instead of throwing me off, I’m more determined than ever to bury them on the field.

The school is still in an uproar over the disappearance of Savannah. They have officially ruled it a missing persons case with possible foul play, but I have my suspicions. Savannah is not one to just up and leave, but she’s an idiot, and should the opportunity have arisen for her to get a modeling gig or bag a rich bastard, she would have left willingly and without a word. Nevertheless, I am being hounded by lower-classmen asking me what I think just because we dated for a while. Honestly, it's a time I wish to forget now that I have Abigail back. I don’t want to even think about any other women. She’s end game for me.

“Hey there, Parker,” Melissa leans against the locker next to mine, twisting her hair around her finger. Melissa Brooks is a junior. We have hooked up a few times in a drunken haze. She’s one of those girls who you need a few beers in you for her to look attractive. She’s a twig with mousy brown hair and zero curves to her body. Not my type, but when I’m drunk, it doesn’t take much.

“Melissa,” I say, turning towards her and closing my locker.

“Are you excited for the game Friday?”

“Should be an easy win,” I reply.

“The girls and I are making t-shirts with all the guys' jersey numbers. I got yours.” She smiles at me with a toothy grin.

“That’s cool.” I have zero interest in her and this conversation.

“Do you want to go to the movies Saturday and maybe grab a bite to eat after?”

Even though Abigail and I have not made it official, she is mine, and I am hers. She signed her fate the moment she ran inside my house, and I have no problem making it known to everyone.

“Melissa, I’m flattered, but I’m with Abigail.”

“Seriously, Parker?” Her face shows her annoyance with me, but I don't give the slightest fuck.


“What do you see in her? You can have any girl in school, and you choose her?”

Now I am annoyed.

“I will always choose her.” I walk away from her and this conversation, making my way to the gym lockers to get ready for practice.

Coach was exceptionally hard on us today, but with the playoffs right around the corner, I don’t hold it against him. He was pissed that Colin was not there for practice, and we had to use Marcus, who’s second string and has seen zero playing time so far this year. He did okay, but knowing Coach, when Colin gets back, he will make him pay for missing out. However, Colin is off with our girl, so I don’t think he gives a shit.

“You ready to get your bike, bro?” Ryan asks, slinging his gym bag over his shoulder.

“Yeah, man, let’s do it,” I say, throwing my towel in the dirty bin.

“You figure out who did it yet?”

“Nah, man, feed must have been down. One moment my bike and car are there perfectly fine, and the next, they’re fucked.” We exit the gym building and make our way over to his truck.

Getting in, he asks, “What do you think they’re doing right now?”

I immediately know who he’s referring to. Knowing Colin, he’s probably trying to win her over by being a jokester, wearing her underwear or some shit like that just to see her smile and laugh. Man is her smile addicting, and her laughter, I could listen to that all day.

“I don’t know, man. I just want her back in my arms already. You know what you are going to do when it’s your turn yet?”

He turns the engine and puts the truck in reverse. “I got something up my sleeve.”

Ryan is not the romantic type like Colin, and he most definitely is not the kink-obsessed type like me, but he is known for making his women do some crazy fucked up shit, so when it’s his time with her, I know he will pull out all the stops.
