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“I want you to learn a lesson,” I say calmly, walking over to my rusted cutters. Picking them up, I walk back over to him. “On July 4th of this past year, you have a video on your phone of you sticking your small cock into a baby girl before you slit her throat.” He doesn't say a word, so I continue. “Do you deny that it was you in this video?” Silence. “Well, it doesn't matter what your answer is, Randy. You will still die today.”

Alyssa Pine walks through the basement doors. She’s my cleanup specialist. She is good at what she does and a master in other areas, but she mostly cleans up my messes after helping me make them. My family and hers were very close, and we grew up together. I even married her and her wife two winters ago and am the godfather of their precious baby boy, Jax.

I shoot her a nod, and she starts to strip. She sways her hips for the men, and you can see that even in the eyes of death staring right at them, they are still not immune to the call of a siren. She walks over to Randy on the table and starts to undress him. Pulling his shirt above his head, I cut it off. Lowering his pants and boxers so they are pulled towards his restrained ankles. His small hard cock standing at attention. She moves her body on top of him and whispers into his ear, “This might hurt just a pinch.”

I take my cutters, and in one fell snip, his cock and balls drop from his body. He lets out a scream, blood everywhere. I look over to Johan, who is throwing up all over himself at the sight. “Jonah, you are making a mess.” I grab his brothers now limp and unattached dick and walk over to him, taking the exposed muscle and blood and wiping it on his face just before forcing his mouth open and shoving it in. I hope the bastard chokes on it with his vile.

Randy, now passed out from the pain, lies limp, soaked in his blood, which gives me time to work on Jonah. Pulling his phone from my back pocket, I find the pictures of children; scrolling through the feed of his version of porn, I come across a picture of my little canary, and I hold the phone out to him for him to see her one last time. “Mine,” I tell him before I take the same cutters and place a blade in the crook of his eye, pushing in far enough for him to go blind but not dead before I wiggle the blade and pop his eye from its socket and his screams fill the room.

After both men passed out, Alyssa and I worked on what we had prepared next.

An hour later, Alyssa and her cleaning crew are removing two dead bodies from the basement and working to get rid of all evidence. Both Randy and Jonah died from the same torture they did to those helpless children. I have no remorse for the things I inflicted and would do it all over again.

I vow to take down this organization and all who have ever supported it. With one click of my finger, I send an encrypted anonymous email to the head of the Myer Group. Pictures of both men decapitated, mutilated, unrecognizable by their missing body parts in a heap of blood and muscle. I took my time pulling their fingers from their hands for everybody they touched. I took pleasure in watching them bleed out, and before either one could take their last breath, I plunged my dagger into their hearts because it was not enough to just allow them a slow death; it needed to end painfully, too. There is no justice any God they may have believed in could have given them, I’m their God. I’m their Devil–and my justice has been served.



MyfeetdragasI walk inside my house. First the rabbit, then Parker’s bike and car, now the wreck? Is it all connected? I stayed at the hospital until visiting hours were over.

Mom pushes up from the kitchen table, my youngest brother on her hip, fussing and crying.

“Is Parker okay? The news is all over town.” I reach my arms out and take Nolan from her arms. He instantly soothes himself as I whisper to him.

“He’s going to be fine. It could have been so much worse,” I lament. I slump down on the couch, and Mom lays back in the recliner.

“I think he’s colicky or something. I swear you’re the only person he likes.” She sighs and rolls her head to the side to smile at me. “Your aunt called today.”

I raise my eyebrows at her and smirk, “Oh yeah?”

“Something about my son with a gorgeous redhead in a small-town diner?”

I chuckle and shake Nolan’s hand that holds my finger. “You sure she isn’t seeing things?” I tease.

“Colin,” she swats at the air between us.

“What can I say? The ladies love me.”

Mom rolls her eyes and yawns.

“I should probably try and get this one to lay down.” She pushes up from the chair, but I shake my head.

“I’ll take care of him tonight. Go get some sleep.”

“Thank you, sweetie. There are leftovers in the fridge. Your dad had to work late tonight. We both know what that means.

“Yeah.”He won’t be here till sunrise at the earliest.

She kisses the top of my head and shuffles her slippered feet down the hallway to her room.

“What do you say, Nolan? Wrestling? Football? What should we watch?”

He coos and sticks his hand in his mouth.

“Football it is, then.” I settle into the couch and let him stretch out on my chest. Not thirty minutes later, he is fast asleep, and I take him to the nursery to lie down.

I heat some of the leftovers from dinner and reclaim my place on the couch.
