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“You told me not to visit until I had an attitude change.”Yep, that happened.

“Well, then you should have had an attitude change!”

What the…“This is me, Mom. This person isme.” I point to my chest, pissed off that I have to—once again—explain myself. “I can’t go back to pretending. Please don’t make me do that.”

“It’s him, isn’t it?”God, what’s with today?I really need to see the photos that are out there. First Tate and Alex saw them, now I’m guessing my Mom has.

“What’s wrong? Why do you look pale?”

“I’m just tired. I didn’t sleep well last night.” In fact, I haven't slept well for weeks. Months even.

“Maybe you need to stay put for a while. All that traveling can’t be good. And I hear that the altitude isn't good for your skin. It brings on premature aging.”

I can’t help but laugh. “I’ll keep that in mind. But I can’t stop. Not yet. I need to do this. For me.”

“What changed? What happened on that mountain that changed you?” she asks, mentioning the mountain for the first time in years.

“I don’t know. Have you forgotten that I can’t remember?”

“I don’t mean back then. I mean now…the other month.”


“It just made me realize I’ve been a slave to my circumstance for too long. I decided I needed to live a little. So that’s what I’m doing.”

“Did it have to change your personality? People have noticed. You’re not as friendly anymore. Or helpful. Debbie said she asked if you could watch her shop for an hour and you refused.”

“I was on the way to the airport. I would have missed my flight. A flight I didn’t pay for.”

“This is what I mean. You need to stop. And who’s buying your tickets? Pippa?”

“It doesn’t matter. I can’t change who I am just because the townspeople don’t like the person I’ve become. Foryearsthey walked all over me.” I say “they” rather than “you” because I know she won’t take kindly to being included in that group, even though she should be there. She’s no better.

Mom huffs anyway. “Honestly, Willow, I just don’t know how to deal with you anymore.”

My jaw drops becausewhat the hell?She doesn’t know how todealwith me?

“I’m sorry, Mom. I am. I wish I wasn’t such a disappointment.”

I turn to walk into the back room but Mom stops me. “You’re not. I just…” She trails off.


“It’s too much.”

“Okay, Mom.”

She walks away without another word, and I realize she never gave me a reason for her visit. Did she seriously just stop by to attack me?

I’m angry when I hear the door shut, and I use that anger to deal with the Tate and Alex situation. I need to talk to Jesse. I need to know why he wanted me to stay away from Alex.

I’m calling him before I’ve even decided what to say, and when he answers right away, I sigh in relief, his voice instantly putting me at ease.

“Hi, Jesse. I know I shouldn’t be calling on game day, but do you have a minute?”

“First, you can call me anytime you like. Day or night. And if I’m on the ice, and it’s urgent, call Seth. Please don’t ever hesitate.”

I release a slow breath. “Okay. Thank you.”
