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I’m not good at staying silent. I know how it feels to be on the other end, and it pains me to do it. But I can’t tell Jesse now. He’s mentioned his contract concerns. Surely, a high blood pressure reading isn’t good for that.

I’m antsy all morning, moving around, cleaning things that have already been cleaned, rearranging things that don’t have to be changed, but none of it helps. I need to tell someone.

I grab my phone to call Sara but stop myself before I dial. The last thing I need is more people worrying about me. I’m sure it’s nothing. It will be fine. I’ll be fine. There’s nothing I can do but wait.

Chapter Thirty-Eight


EventhoughI’mdesperateto see Jesse, and would love to disappear again to annoy my mom, I stay home, giving Sara some time off.

It kills me not seeing him, but at the same time, I’m nervous that if I do, he’ll be able to tell something’s wrong. And I don’t even know if I need to be worried. It’s been a week and nothing. I’ve been here and Alex hasn’t shown or called. Maybe Tate’s wrong. Or lying.Or they’re both just messing around?If I tell Jesse, I’m potentially stressing him out for no reason. And I can’t risk that. I just have to go on with my life. Yet again, pretending I’m fine.

Jesse calls the night before every game, and every time I ask him the same question. “How’s your blood pressure?”

I’m like a broken record and he pretends to hate it, but deep down I know he likes that I care.

When he tells me it’s almost back to normal, his normal anyway, I take that as a sign that I did the right thing. Telling him about Tate would have only caused unnecessary stress since Alex has been silent. They both have.

But I still feel guilty about it.

After spending another week apart, Jesse calls me late at night, as I’m getting into bed. His tired face lights up my screen, and a sharp pang hits me, making me feel homesick.

I’m in my own bed, in my own house, and I feel homesick. Something has to change.

“Hey you,” he says with a grin, running his hand through his hair as he lies down, holding the phone in the air. “I miss you.”

“God, I miss you too. But you should be sleeping.”

“I know. But I just got to the point where I couldn’t do this anymore and needed to lock something down.”

I start nodding before he’s even finished because I like this plan. I just have to hope Sara doesn’t mind. “Yes, please,” I say quickly. “I need to see you. And not through a screen.”

Jesse’s face lights up as though there was a chance I’d say no and he smiles. “Good, I have a proposal for you,” he says and then grimaces. “I mean, not a proposal, proposal. I wouldn’t do that over the phone. Maybe proposition is the right word?”

I bark out a laugh so he realizes that’s not much better, but instead of continuing he just stares at me until I stop.

“God, you’re beautiful,” he whispers. “And fuck, I wish I was there,” he says louder, making me laugh again.

“Come on.” I move on because of my inability to take compliments. “Tell me your idea—it doesn’t matter what you call it.”

“Okay. Okay. I’m playing in New York next week and have a day off after the game. I want you to come with me. As my girlfriend.”

“To New York?” Butterflies attack my chest.NewYork. Girlfriend.I’m not sure which one I’m more afraid of or excited about.

“Yes, New York. We’d have to meet there, but I want you to come to my game and then I want to show you around the city. I’ve been a couple of times, so while I’m no expert, I’m sure I can cover the basics—Eiffel Tower, Statue of Liberty, Buckingham Palace.”

Laughter bursts out of me. The contrast between this Jesse and the one I first met is astounding. “You know only one of those things is in the US, right?”

“What?” he mocks horror as I shake my head, biting back another grin.

“You know, I kind of like this version of Jesse too. Feel free to alternate between both.”

Jesse smirks, and I know what’s coming. “Willow, my love. I’m inviting you on an adventure with me,” he says sweetly before his face morphs into something a little Alpha. “And I am not taking no for an answer.”

“That’ll do it. When and where?”

Jesse laughs but it’s softer than I would have expected. “Not soon enough.”
