Page 27 of Unnatural Fate

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I took those words and sank into his embrace, forgetting the rest of the world existed for a little while. Forgetting what we faced when we returned.

I said at length, knowing I couldn’t put off the fates any longer. “We should probably discuss what this looks like.”

“Not an easy task when neither of us has any idea, but I don’t disagree.”

“But first breakfast. I can’t do this on an empty stomach.” I shoved at him so he’d get up with me.

“You’re serious, then, about dragging me out of bed at this ungodly hour?” He grunted, redoubling his hold on me.

I pulled playfully, not really trying to escape. “Will it be less abrasive if I do it with French toast?”

“Yes, but we are going to work on the hours you keep. I’m going to be a grumpy bastard if I’m awakened from my beauty sleep at werewolves’ whims.”

“Breakfast is a werewolf’s whim?” I lifted my head to look at him.

His eyes were barely slits, the silver peeking out behind thick lashes. It continued to blow my mind how attractive he was. Bastards got all the good looks. It was a well-known fact in the universe. I had to fight for my existence, so I bore the scars of a hard life. Vin’s lips stretched into a smile, eyes trailing over my features. Somehow, he still looked at me like I was as beautiful as he was. It made me fall a little harder and a little faster than I’d wanted to.

“It is.” He cupped my face with one hand and brushed his lips over mine. We’d never been kissers. Sure, it happened when we were fucking, but it wasn’t a passing thing. Or it hadn’t been. This was a sharp turn away from the road I knew.

The whole experience was.

“Are you trying to soften me up before we are even out of bed?”

He must have felt my hesitancy because he teased his tongue along the seam of my lips. “If it makes you less insufferable about getting out of bed, yes.” A grin stretched across his face. Too smug for my liking.

“Is this going to be how it is?” I laid my hand over his.

“What do you mean?” he asked, still trying to tease a kiss out of me.

I gave in, and we were lost in lips and tongues and beautiful suction for a moment or two.

“I don’t know. Nothing.” I tried to kiss him again, only to find him resisting this time.

“No. Explain, Dominic.”

I thought about what I was trying to tell him, letting the ideas cement in my mind. “Is it going to be like dating a different person?”

“Not entirely, but I want us both to drop some of our barriers.” He kissed me again, and it was a slow fuck in and of itself. More sensual than he’d ever been inside me. “This is me leading with what I expect.”

“If you fuck me the way you kiss me, I might do anything you ask.”

“I will tuck that information away for a rainy day.”

I dragged myself out of his grasp. “You would make me wait?”

“I can’t give you everything you’ve ever desired all at once. It’ll kill you.” Vin rolled to his back and stretched every single one of his glorious muscles, completely making me forget why I was getting out of bed until my stomach rumbled.

“Stingy fucking bastard.”

“My parents were wed. Thank you for checking.”

I rolled my eyes and picked up the shirt I’d discarded the night before to toss in the hamper. I could feel Vin’s eyes trailing down my back. It made my skin prickle and the hair on the back of my neck stand. How my wolf let me sleep with a bloodsucker in my bed, I’ll never know. The beast must really like this one, seeing as how he didn’t even let my kind sleep in my bed the few times I’d brought one home.

The asshole liked to make me run laps after I came, as a kind of cruel punishment for even believing I could have a night just for pleasure.

I shook my head as the wolf snarled internally.

“Good morning, wolfie.” Vin slapped my ass as he stepped around me.
