Page 37 of Unnatural Fate

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“If you say so.” Vin broke out in a laugh. “Don’t think about it too hard, and keep your hands off my mate.”

“We aren’t there.” I could fight my own battles and I didn’t know if i’d ever get to a place where I wanted my mate fighting them for me.

Vin’s gaze sharpened, and his fangs extended ever so slightly. “No one better lay a hand on you. And I mean no one.”

“I can defend myself.”I didn’t need him getting in the middle of things with my brothers, even if it was well-intentioned.

It was the wrong thing to say, though, because every muscle in his body stiffened. “I know what you are capable of. It doesn’t change my instinct.” His chest heaved, and his eyes were harsh. He was beautiful when he was defensive.

“I’m not asking you to change who you are,” I said, giving in, knowing we had to compromise to continue.

“I’m out. I don’t need to witness whatever this possessive jealousy thing is.” Gabe left without another word.

“You are so fucked with that one,” Raf said, now eating the last of the fruit.

Vin made a pleased noise, and I side-eyed him.

“I don’t know how I keep food in the house with you around.” I took the bowl from his hands and put it in the sink.

“I don’t know how anyone does.” Rafael hopped off the counter. “I’m going to catch a few hours of shuteye. I’m beat after last night.”

“You didn’t find anything?”

He shook his head. “It was the first quiet night we’ve had in weeks.”

“I don’t know if that makes me more worried or not.” It wasn’t always bodies, but for the last few months, it always seemed to be something.Blood. A scent of something unknown. Too many uncertainties in a place that should be safe for our kind.

“I’m taking you off the fight. Stay here. If you’re doing this, you need to be solid before you bring him close to home. We don’t need someone stumbling on his scent.”

My brows raised. “Excuse me? Are you telling me what to do?”

“No, I’m heavily suggesting you get your affairs in order. We can handle the pack for a few days.” Raf wasn’t backing down.

“I don’t want to leave it with how it’s been. What if you need me?” It wasn’t a good idea.

“You’ve never taken time off.”


“Bond with your mate. Things are coming. We don’t need you distracted.”

“Fine,” I said, glancing over at Vin. “Want to spend a couple of days with me?”



Time slowed.

My life was reduced to moments and touches. His skin on mine. It gave me a glimpse of a simpler life. One where we were allowed to exist without the weight of others on our shoulders. I craved it at a level I’d never let myself feel until now. I dreaded going back. I’d only brought enough stuff for a couple of days, which wouldn’t work for two people, but we’d stay and hunt and forage. There was plenty to harvest through the entire surrounding forest. We’d spent a lot of time over the last decade bringing back the natural forest foods that thrived in these lands. I’d teach Vin the ways of my people.

“Come for a walk,” I said as dusk lingered on the horizon.

Vin looked up from a book he’d taken off my bookshelf. There were all sorts of odds and ends up here from the years I’d been fixing it up. Things I found and things I brought. The books were ones I’d carried here with my own hands. Ones I’d read while sinking into the only peace I had since becoming alpha. This place was special to me, and it felt like a gift to be able to share it with him.

“Where are we going?” He put the bookmark back into the book and set it aside.

“I’ll show you.”
