Page 5 of Unnatural Fate

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He shook his head. “It shouldn’t be time, but you might be right.”

“I usually am.” I gave in to the forces drawing me toward him.“Time for what?”

“Are you always so naked?” he asked, ignoring my question while eyeing me below the waist.

“When you catch me in the middle of my land, generally,” I replied, wishing the wind would shift so I could get an idea of what I was dealing with before I got too close.

“My apologies. A mistake while tracking….” His expression changed. A mask. Silky. Like a conman, I noted. It worked, too. That much was evident from the confidence he exuded.

“Tracking?” I glanced around him. “What did you chase onto my land?”

His gaze sharpened, and the charm vanished. “Don’t worry about it. It’s gone now.”

I stalked toward him, finally catching his scent, and it knocked me back a few paces. “Vampire,” I growled, disgust dripping from my tone.

“Not a vampire, but I understand your confusion. I’m a daywalker.”

“Surely not.”

They were legends. Long killed off by the blood war with the vampires. Or so I’d thought. There wasn’t many of them to begin with. Daywalkers could change the course of the war. They didn’t have the same weakness as vampires. They could be out in the daylight. They didn’t only feed on blood. They could hide themselves among humans and attack us when we were vulnerable. We didn’t expect attacks during the day.

The color of his eyes made sense. His kind all wore them. As distinguishable as my wolf’s black eyes or the red of the vampires.

His smile returned, and he took a bow. “Are you going to try and rip my throat out now? I have prior engagements, and I’ve already done enough damage. These slacks are vintage Armani. So if we could skip all the”—he waved his fingers in the air—“usual, I would be grateful.”

I wasn’t listening to him. My ears were buzzing.

I’d convinced myself I didn’t have a mate. I was twenty-four, and most alphas met their mate in their first year or two of leading the pack. Five in, and I’d given up. The world was cruel. The universe promised the best and then returned with the worst.

And yet, here he was.

My mate.

A male.

A daywalker.

Both unheard of.

Not as bad as a sworn enemy like a vampire, but we were in the middle of a blood war. Even if this daywalker had no allegiance to the vampires, my kind would never trust him. Daywalkers were the same in their eyes. The difference wouldn’t matter. Bottom line: he wasn't a wolf. Nor could he bear my children.

So how could he be my mate?

Did he know?

He had to know.

I closed my eyes and, against my better judgment, tested the lines. The pull. The connection. They were all there.

“Don’t do that.” His words brought me back like ice in my veins.

“You know?”

“Of course I know.” His tone pulled, and it hurt.

“How long have you known?” My gut told me a long, long time.

“It doesn’t matter because it doesn’t change who we are.”
