Page 66 of Unnatural Fate

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“What the fuck—” All his breath went out of him, and he collapsed into the dirt, taking me with him.

There was no separating us. I rocked my hips, giving him the first taste of my knot. All the places stimulated with the extra girth, working my tip against his prostate. He turned his head and bit his arm, shuddering. He clenched, gasping and groaning before going half limp.

“Did you—” I couldn’t hide the elation in my voice. “Did you come already?”

“You have no fucking idea.” The bliss in his voice sounded like I’d drugged him.

I smiled as I kissed over the bite mark on his neck. “You’re so easy.”

“Fuck you.”

“Don’t be a coward. Fuck me yourself.” I laughed, so pent up, walking the line of my pleasure, that my body had to let out tension any way it could.

“I would, but as you’re currently locked inside me, you’ll have to do it for me.”

I drove into him the little I could, doing just that. Letting him have all of me. Engulfed in him, pleasure came in slow waves like nothing I’d ever experienced.

We changed. I’d thought our souls were already tied because of the strings connecting us, but as the strands between our souls knit when my teeth sunk into his neck, I realized how wrong we were. We were fated mates, sure, but the connection we had before was nothing compared to what solidified between us now.

There was no way to separate him and me. The strands of him wove so tightly among mine, I couldn’t tell fully where I ended and he began.

We became one soul in two bodies. I’d never put stock in the theories we were all half people running around, split in two by the old Gods, but now I saw the truth there. The truth in our shared bond and the connection we would have.

His body started to heal, refusing like any supernatural being, forcing me to bite down harder, driving my teeth farther into his flesh.

Vin moaned, reaching behind himself to grab my head. I thought he’d throw me off, but he didn’t. He held me tighter, longer, lovingly, caressing my hair as I stayed inside him.

“Dominic.” The way he moaned my name struck me in the heart. All the feelings I’d never expected to have wrapped up in this man.

“Vinkettin,” I muttered against his skin.

“Do you feel that?” he asked.

I closed my eyes, focusing on the strands tying us together, and a new world opened to me. I felt what he did, his emotions mixed with mine. Not how they were before. I felt them first-hand as they flowed through our bond. Waves of his pleasure, how my cock felt inside him, all the wonderful and terrible things he wanted to do to me.

I stiffened, another orgasm creeping up. I pushed it back, staying in the moment.

“I felt that,” he growled.

I rocked, instead, focusing on what felt best for him, ignoring my own needs for the moment. “And I feel this.”

“What is this?” He moved with me, but we were slower this time, barely moving but drowning in bliss.

“The bonding, but I’ve never heard it described this way.”

“Could it be different with an outsider?” he asked through clenched teeth, eyes rolling back as I kept punishing his pleasure. He was in for unrelenting and cruel abuse of his ecstasy.

“I don’t know.” I ground my hips, rutting deep and unforgiving.

“Relentless bastard.”

“I told you, I am going to make you come over and over.” And I wouldn’t apologize.

“Imagine what this will do for our competitive nature.” Vin twisted enough to bring his lips to mine when I released him. He licked the blood from my teeth.

I captured his tongue, slipping a hand under him in the space he’d created to grab his cock. “I don’t want to think about it.”

He closed his eyes, and I felt him tracing the cords between us. He lifted me enough to flip us.It wasn’t easy with the knot, but he managed, and I didn’t have the strength to fight him. We came face to face, kissing slow and deep joined in all ways mentally and physically.
