Page 77 of Unnatural Fate

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“Do you think we’ll get any answers?” He knew we wouldn’t. I could hear it in his voice.

I’d like to think I’d be able to tell by looking the witch in her eyes, but I knew it wasn’t the way it would be. I’d know the truth even if she denied it. She was using his blood to strengthen her people.

“No,” I admitted.

“But we’re still going?” He got off the bike, which was the first step.

“Would you be able to sleep if we didn’t?”

He rubbed his brow. “This is real bad, isn’t it?”

“I think so, but I don’t know.” It was as honest as I felt I could be. “Should we?” I stood waiting for his decision.

He grabbed me by the shirt and hauled me forward. Caught off guard, I stumbled, my body hitting his, fingers tightening in my shirt, preventing any escape as he kissed me. There was more to the kiss than words. Unsaid things whispered between our souls.

He understood. Even if his brain hadn’t caught up to the bond and the shift in our souls. I pressed my forehead to his. He finally released my shirt and cupped my face.

“I don’t want to feel like there is space between us. I have too much else to worry about.” He rubbed his nose against mine. “I can’t handle it.” Dominic’s raw openness touched a part of my soul I didn’t know existed until that moment.

“Do you know how soft I am for you when you are like this?” I whispered against his lips before kissing him.

“It’s not easy for me to do this. But I can’t take it anymore. Whatever this is that has been consuming you these last few weeks, you have to talk to me about it.” He didn’t pull back, but he didn’t reciprocate the kiss.

“I’m trying to figure out what’s to come.” I guessed that was the easiest way to explain it.

“Figure what out? You can’t prevent me from passing to the next world when I am called.” He pressed his eyes closed, and the disappointment came heavy in our bond.

“I’m not. I’m trying to figure out how all these events tie together.” I let out a breath, knowing I’d done us a disservice by not being more open with him, but I didn’t know how to explain the gut feeling I had.

“What do you mean?”

“The blood, your avoiding of the quickening, and our soul tie. I feel like I’m missing something, but I don’t know what. If I did, I would explain it to you, so I’m researching each topic, looking for enlightenment. I’m not keeping it from you. When I figure out what it is, I will tell you.” I hoped that at least gave him some peace for the moment.

He nodded, finally giving over to my kiss. His fingers tightened their grip, all the love and need portrayed in such a simple gesture. “Is that why it’s so important to go see her?”

“I think so. It’s a lead we have to explore. Even if you don’t believe she is responsible. We are missing a piece.” There had to be something we weren’t seeing.

“Let’s go,” he said, but he didn’t back off or release his hold on my shirt.

“I have to change.”

“You only lost a button. It’s fine.”

“I lost a...”

He cut me off with a laugh. “Calm down. The buttons are safe.”

I growled, smoothing a hand down the wrinkled shirt. Normally, I wouldn’t dream of going out in public disheveled, but he knew that. Probably the reason he’d done it.

“We should get going,” he said, but he didn’t release me, instead stroking his thumbs over my cheekbones.

“We should.”

“Are we barreling toward an ending we can’t control? Because it feels like every step brings us unknowingly closer.” Fear shone in his eyes.

It stole my breath. I’d never seen Dominic scared. Not facing his death with his pack, not bloody and beaten. Not facing vampires who wanted to kill him and surely would have if they hadn’t underestimated him.

“We’ll get through it together,” I said, as steady as I could force the words.
