Page 204 of Entering Stronghold

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“You fucker, come back here,” Angel roared as Q managed to sideswipe her, knocking her slightly off course and keeping his lead. The small smug smile on Q’s face said it all.

“Your friends are crazy,” Maria whispered in Rick’s ear. It was so crowded on the couch that he’d gotten her to sit on his lap. He squeezed his arms a bit tighter around her.

“They’re your friends now too,” he whispered back, amused. Maria giggled.

Q ended up winning the tournament, much to the disappointment of all the females in the room, who—of course—had been cheering for Angel. Afterwards, everyone trooped upstairs to gather round the kitchen counter while Adam and Angel poured glasses of champagne.

Adam held his up and turned to face Liam and Hilary who were standing at the end of the island, their arms around each other, faces glowing. “To Hilary and Liam. Who, despite Liam’s original intentions,” everyone laughed, “managed to find the person they want to spend the rest of their life with. Congratulations.”

Everyone cheered and raised their glasses as Hilary and Liam kissed. Looking around, Maria saw Adam giving Angel a kiss, his arm wrapped securely around her waist, Jessica wedged between Justin and Chris with a giant smile on her face, and then she felt Rick’s arm slide around her. It was a moment for celebrating love and hope for the future. Smiling at him, she pressed back when he leaned down to kiss her, tasting like champagne and chocolate. A little hope kindled in her heart that one day, all the people gathered here might be toasting them like this.

Somehow, as the evening wound down, it was the people in relationships who were left at Adam’s. Since there were less of them, they’d ended up in Adam’s entertainment room on the main floor, which had a slightly smaller television than the one downstairs, a large couch and several armchairs all situated for talking. Well, people in relationships plus Lexie and Patrick. Rick grinned to himself. He wondered if they’d noticed that. Maybe. Lexie was sitting between Patrick’s legs, both of them with their attention apparently completely focused on the conversation they were having with Jessica, Justin, and Chris.

He’d pulled Maria onto the armchair he was sitting in, which had a large enough seat that she was only half on his lap; her butt was on the chair, but he had her legs across his and she was all snugged up under his arm. Just where he liked her.

Liam and Hilary were sitting in another armchair, lost in their own little world, murmuring things no one else could hear and exchanging kisses. It was fucking adorable is what it was, but for once Rick wasn’t overcome with envy. Because he had his own gorgeous woman on his lap and he felt like their relationship was actually going somewhere. He felt a kind of hopefulness that he was looking at his and Maria’s future.

Adam and Angel came back into the room, Angel looking both a bit aroused and uncomfortable. Rick coughed, hiding his laugh. They’d disappeared for about twenty minutes and he had no doubt Adam had come through with some kind of retribution for when she’d bitten his hand during the Mario Kart tournament. Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes a little glassy, and she didn’t have the sexy rolling gait to her walk that she normally did.

When she sat down gingerly on the couch, Maria stiffened, and Rick looked at his girlfriend only to realize she was watching Angel with a worried expression on her face.

“Are you okay?” Maria asked, looking Angel over with concern.

“She’s fine,” Adam answered immediately, settling himself down next to Angel. His face was bland, but his voice was filled with smug satisfaction. “Probably a little uncomfortable, but fine.” He leered at Angel who scowled back at him, shifting slightly. Maria relaxed, seeing the interplay between them.

She’d taken so easily to Rick’s brand of kink that he sometimes forgot she wasn’t used to the scene and the many different ways it could be implemented between couples.

Shifting her slightly on his lap so her ear was near his lips, he whispered directly into her ear. “Remember when he told her she’d pay for biting him earlier? Angel probably just got spanked. Or she’s got a plug up her ass. Which is why she’s sitting so carefully... but look closely at her. Whatever just happened, she enjoyed it. Adam doesn’t really care that she bites, it gives him an excuse to punish her, except it’s more like funishment.”

Maria turned her head to whisper back in his ear. “A plug?!”

She sounded slightly shocked... and also interested? Rick’s cock twitched.

“Would you like that sweetheart?” His fingers caressed her inner thigh, making her squirm slightly and his cock came to attention, thickening against the softness of her body in his lap. “Maybe next time you’re a mouthy little brat, I’ll put a plug up your ass.”

“I didn’t check off anal as one of my interests on the survey.”

“You didn’t put it as a hard limit either.” Going by the way she was getting even squirmier, her breathing coming faster, she was more interested in it than she thought. At least in the play part. Rick was open to whatever she wanted. He wasn’t a complete ass-man like Adam, although he did like the idea of breaching what he was pretty sure was Maria’s virgin hole.

Someone saying his name caught his attention, which was probably a good thing, because he needed a distraction from the sweet armful of woman in his lap before he ended up with a painful erection that would have to wait. He looked up at Lexie, who was grinning at him from between Patrick’s knees.

“I said you haven’t been to the club in a while, are you guys coming back soon?”

To his surprise, Maria didn’t stiffen on his lap this time. Instead, when he looked at her, she seemed rather thoughtful and he felt a small spurt of excitement. As much as he loved having Maria to himself at home, he did miss the club. They had equipment he didn’t, plus the theme rooms provided a more exotic atmosphere than he could ever have at home. Plus, he kind of wanted to show off his gorgeous girlfriend, since everyone there knew he’d been looking. Quite a few of them had been there the last two times Maria had; it’d be nice for them all to see things had worked out.

“We’ve been giving it some time,” he said casually, just in case Maria still wasn’t comfortable going back.

“I think I’d like to go sometime when everyone else is going to be there,” Maria said, only a little bit hesitant. Rick suddenly felt like jumping into the air, pumping his fist with excitement. Which, if he’d been alone, he might have actually done. Instead he just sat there quietly, with a stupid grin on his face he couldn’t get rid of.

She’s ready!

It wasn’t just about being in the club, it was a testament of her trust in him. Even if they didn’t play there, she trusted nothing was going to go wrong this time and that meant a lot to him.

“Most of us are usually there on Saturdays,” Angel said. She gave Adam a fond look. “If it wasn’t for the party tonight, that’s where we all would have been.”

“Come next Saturday,” Lexie suggested, a big smile spreading across her face. “I’m sure Patrick won’t mind someone covering my shift, if it will make you more comfortable to have people you know around.”

“Oh it does, I would appreciate that,” Maria said, completely sincerely, obviously not realizing the way Lexie had just manipulated the situation. Patrick’s face looked like a thundercloud. Lexie hadn’t been on the main floor since the glitter incident and Rick was pretty sure the big Dom had been planning on milking her punishment for that for as long as possible. He was glaring at the back of Lexie’s head, his eyes narrowed and his jaw tense, but he didn’t say anything. Like any Dom, his larger concern was going to be a new submissive’s comfort level. Rick knew Patrick would probably be breathing down Lexie’s neck the entire evening.
