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“No,” Badb said. “I do not think we want to muddy our bargain with binding agreements.”

“No, no, we do not,” Ornan agreed. “However, we cannot let Morrigan use my wish.” He tipped back his head, then raised a clawed finger. “I know. Let me speak with Macha.”

Badb’s eyes narrowed. “Why talk to her?”

“Come, Badb, let us not start our partnership with distrust. We have an agreement. You release the demons and we shall fight beside you. Now, your sister?”

She ground her teeth and considered denying him, but she sensed Macha’s curiosity. Plus, it could be a show of good faith that she wanted their deal to work. So she closed her eyes and allowed Macha to rise.

As soon as Macha rose into being, Ornan stood. That deliciously wicked grin curved his lips. “Greetings, Macha. I am Ornan, King of the demons.”

“I know who you are,” she said. “To what do I owe the honor?”

“I want to make a bargain with you. A binding one.”

She reached into her dress and drew out the token. “Why are you against making a binding agreement with Badb?” Macha asked warily.

“As your sister points out, nothing is sure in power plays and war. Badb wishes flexibility as much as I do. A binding agreement will not serve. Our causes align and that is enough for now. And yet, there is risk for me. If I am found out, I will be stripped of my position as representative to the High Nine and confined to the Dark Wood with my brothers and sisters. If I am going to put my neck on the line, then I want some reassurance.”

Macha rolled her head. Deals and power plays. That was all anybody ever cared about. She despised it. She would rather be out in the wilds, making flowers bloom and bending the surrounding plants to her will. How she missed it. But if she wanted her freedom, the freedom that Badb promised her she would get when they broke Morrigan’s control, then she had to play along. “And how can I provide that reassurance?”

That sensuous smile crept up his cheeks and the flickers of desire curled in Macha’s stomach. The naturalness of his darkness. The ferociousness behind his smirk. He embraced it in a way that called to her.

“The bargain I crave to make with you is binding,” he said. “But one, I believe someone of your… nature… will thoroughly enjoy.”

“So speak it.”

He prowled closer, his charcoal clothing highlighting his black hair, his glistening ebony eyes. The shadows curled toward him in obeisance. “The deal is me. Anytime, anywhere. Whenever you call my name, I will be there to make you feel whatever you long to feel.”

He stopped right in front of her and Macha’s heart raced, the yearning in her stomach stoking into a blaze she dared not deny. His hand raised, and he drew a finger down her cheek, his claw creating a phantom caress.

The simmering in that gaze, the beauty of him, of his darkness—the sensuality that spoke to her soul.

“I shall make your wildest, darkest desires come true. You will be mine, and I shall be yours. Forever.”

“Hmm,” Macha breathed. “That is tempting.”

That finger caressing her, slid along her jaw, then traced ever so slowly over her throat. “Say yes.”

No,Morrigan said.Macha—

Ask him what is in it for him, Badb said.

“And what do you get out of this?” Macha asked.

His claws drifted over her collarbone, flowing over her shoulders, down her arms. They gathered in her skirts. “Normally I do not speak my part of the bargain until your part has been made, but in this case, I will make an exception. One time, when I demand it, you shall service me and provide me with a half-faerie, half-demon child.”

Oh, hell no,Morrigan growled.

Tell him we must think about this, Badb said.

But Ornan was gathering her against him, their bodies together, his hands on her. “I, I need to—”

With a simple look, his power flowed into her, heating her blood. It streamed through her limbs into her core. It grew, it grew, it grew. A clawed hand glided over her mouth as Macha’s body arched. She threw back her head, and a muffled howl broke from her. It felt as if he were touching her in all the forbidden places, like a thousand suns ready to explode. An uncontrolled wetness poured out of her, coating her underthings, rubbing between her thighs. Her legs gave, and only his arm around her kept her from sinking to the ground. Such intensity!

Ornan clutched Macha to him. He seemed to understand that any caressing touch would merely distract from the euphoria already coursing through her body. His eyes gleamed as he heated her blood even further and the heat dropped, burning wildly between her legs, driving her into a scintillating climax. He smothered the cries rushing from her lips at the consuming fire boiling in her veins.

“I can make you experience this for hours,” he murmured in her ear. “For days, weeks, as long as you want. Just say you accept our bargain and I am yours.”
