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“My family is dead.” He took another step toward her. In her face, now.

She didn’t look the least bit phased. Odette realized he’d maneuvered them so that his body was completely between her and Alecta. Was he… protecting her?

“And you have the culprits at your mercy, so I honestly don’t see what the theatrics are about.” Alecta turned away.

Unbridled fury shot across Rothbart’s face and he moved so he was looming over her.“Who hired you?”

Alecta scoffed, shaking a finger at him. “Uh, no, no, no, Rothy dear. I can’t go divulging those I work for. They must trust me or I will lose business. And as you see, I need their money for the upkeep of this grand estate.”

He grabbed her by the throat.

She cackled. “Now it's like old times.” She raised a hand, and he bowled over, flying across the room and ramming into the wall. Odette watched with wide eyes as he groaned, pushing himself up on shaking arms.

“Killing me will do you no good.” Alecta sauntered toward him. “The skull pact can only be broken by either fulfilling the terms of the arrangement or taking out the benefactor.”

Odette had had enough. She pulled the knife in her stocking and staggered to her feet. She may not be a match for the woman’s magic, but she wouldn’t go down without a fight.

Alecta’s attention was on Rothbart. Odette crouched and moved ever so slow and silent, circling to strike from behind.

Rothbart spit blood from his mouth. “I know they were after my sister and not me. Why?” he demanded, his voice strained.

“You are the little investigator. And quite clever, pretending she is dead.”

Shock crossed Rothbart’s face. “What are you talking about?”

“Don’t patronize me. The skull pact doesn’t lie. Tell me, Rothy, what do you know of your sister’s past?”

Odette rounded the chair, dagger clenched in her palm. A few more feet and she’d be within striking distance.

“That’s a dead end,” Rothbart said, rising slowly. “I already talked to my sister.” He met Odette’s determined gaze, and a vein jumped in his throat, his muscles tense.

“Perhaps you need to talk to her again.”

Odette was almost there. Nerves tugged at her, but this time she wouldn’t hesitate.

“She knows nothing,” Rothbart growled.

Only a little closer. She took a slow breath even though her heart pounded in her chest, and her hand shook. She fought to steady it. Odette was a killer. Shewoulddo this.

“Yes. I’d expect she doesn’t,” Alecta said, “but you should ask her all the same.”

Rothbart lunged just as Odette moved for the killing strike. He jerked Alecta out of the way and shoved Odette back, causing her to slam into the chair and tumbling over into its velvet plushness.

For the first time, looking frazzled, Alecta brushed at her flimsy outfit. “You little bitch. You dare interrupt while mommy and daddy are talking?” Her eyes flashed dangerously, and she lifted a hand. “You need to keep your swans on a better leash, Rothbart.”

Odette’s windpipe pinched shut. She grasped her throat, trying to gasp for air, but nothing came in. Shit. She couldn’t breathe.

“Stop,” Rothbart commanded. “Alecta, stop. I need her alive.”

“Do you?” Alecta’s eyes narrowed.

Pain speared up Odette’s throat, her chest caving in.


“How many other swans do you have under your power, Rothy? Can’t you have fun with one of them?”

Odette clawed at the chair, blackness clouding her vision.
