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"Lissa, you make it sound so romantic." Shadow could do sarcasm as well as anyone.

"I'm not feeling particularly romantic at the moment—I just buried three people I love, my father decides to take responsibility after the fact and six-hundred-million people are dead because somebody aimed a Ranos Cannon, hoping to kill me instead. I'm not in the mood for flowers and violins right now."

"Lissa, I want us to be together. Like it used to be."

"Honey, that's not going to happen. Your father and grandfather saw to that, don't you think? Do I love you? I never stopped. Did you hurt me? Yes. When you didn't stand up to them. Didn't force them to look harder at what they were doing instead of jumping through the hoops that Marid of Belancour set up so he could get Cloudsong's noose from around his neck. Do I care if you take another mate? No. I just want it to be somebody you love if you do, not somebody coming in to provide broodmare services for a price. Erland has other mates—he loves them. I don't care." I flung out a hand. "Karzac has other mates. It doesn't bother me."

"But you held Karzac at arm's length, when Grace became pregnant with Kevis." Shadow pointed out.

"But Kevis needs to grow up with his father. Needs to know a father's love. That's something I never had and I feel it, Shadow. Right here." I thumped my chest with a fist. "I'm not about to take any child away from its father, or vice versa. Besides, Karzac and I worked things out. Somebody pointed out to me that one or two nights a month isn't going to take anything away from Kevis."

"Then come back with me to Grey House, and talk things over with Dad and Grampa Glendes."

"No, Shadow. I meant what I said—I'm not coming back to Grey House. Your father and grandfather could have talked to both of us about this, asking us how we felt instead of making an arbitrary decision that almost resulted in disaster for everyone. Yet they didn't. They didn't treat us as adults, Shadow, and I find that unconscionable. Maybe you can overlook it, but I won't."

"Lissa, I don't want to be caught in a feud between you and my family."

"I'm not feuding with them—I'm just not speaking to them. Sort of like I'm not speaking to my father. Maybe someday I'll get over it. I've noticed they haven't done much in the way of an apology. It's a little late now, don't you think? They almost bankrupt Le-Ath Veronis, and not a word?"

"They might not think you'd be willing to listen."

"No excuse for not doing the right thing," I snapped. "Or trying to do the right thing. We may share a child, one day, Shadow. At least I hope so. I'd like to see what a Quarter Karathian Witch and a Grey House Wizard might be able to produce. That doesn't even include what I got from the Elemaiya."

"I'll go talk to Dad and Grampa about it."

"Shadow, if you have to consult your parents, then you haven't grown up, yet. Grow up, then come see me if you want a child." I got up to walk away.

"Lissa, I didn't mean for it to turn out like this." Shadow folded in front of me, holding out my ring.

"You think your father asked Glendes of Grey House if it was okay if he got your mother pregnant? Did he?" I knocked Shadow's hand aside, sending the ring flying.

"I see I've been too heavy-handed." Glendes showed up. Fucking nexus echo, no doubt. He'd been listening for me to call his name.

"No joke." I stalked away from Shadow again. "Fucking Grey House Wizards," I muttered.

"At least one of them isn't f**king," Shadow offered.

"And not likely to unless he finds somebody else," I whirled to face him.

"Lissa, I should have stayed out of this. I know that now. It's of little consolation to you, considering what you risked to get us all out of that mess." Glendes said.

"Yeah? Who told you that?"


"Dear old Dad. He just can't pass up the opportunity to f**k with my life, can he?" I was close to tears, now.

"Lissa, he said that if you'd interfered with the timeline in any way, they'd have stripped every bit of power away from you. You'd have given up everything, just to set things right."

"Yeah, I should have learned my lesson the first time, shouldn't I?" I wiped away tears.

"Lissa, I should have stayed out of this. I should have. I didn't. I hit you when you were weak; I know that now. My grandson was married to a goddess and I threw her out in favor of a two-faced bitch."

"A two-faced bitch who could have babies," I started walking again. "I'm still not coming back to Grey House."

"Will you have a baby with me? I don't give a f**k what Dad and Grampa think." Shadow begged. I turned one last time to look at him.

"Then I'll think about it," I said and disappeared.

* * *

Shadow used wizardry to Pull Lissa's ring to his hand. "What if she doesn't take it back, Grampa?" Shadow stared at the Tiralian crystal ring he'd crafted with love.

"Shadow, give it some time. I think she'll come around." Glendes almost crumbled at the look on Shadow's face.

"She once told me much the same thing she told you just now, and that was after I was almost ordered to kill her by the Vampire Council. You see where we are now." Gavin walked into the room.

"How long have you been here?" Shadow demanded.

"Long enough. If she wasn't willing to give you some time, she would have disappeared right away and you wouldn't have found her for months. She walked away and turned back several times. She loves you, Shadow. You, not so much," Gavin turned to Glendes.

"Then I'll work on that," Glendes said. "Shadow, see if you can find her. Tell her I went home with my tail between my legs." Glendes folded away.

"Where is she?" Shadow sounded hopelessly lost.

"Probably on top of something, somewhere. She has absolutely no fear of heights." Gavin sounded positive about that.

"She has no reason to be," Shadow muttered. "I'll go look."

* * *

"I had to ask Garde if he knew where you were," Shadow landed beside me atop the royal palace on Veshtul. Glinda and Jayd knew I was there the moment I'd arrived. They hadn't bothered me.

"Remind me to kick his ass next time," I said.

"Lissa, listen to me. I promise none of this will happen again. I promise. I messed up. Didn't stand up well enough for us. All I can think about is how you feel in my arms. Don't turn me out or send me away again. I don't think I can stand it." He reached out for my hand. I looked into his gray eyes—they seemed sincere enough. While he held my hand, he slipped his ring back on. I didn't try to stop him. He leaned in for a kiss—I didn't stop that either. I did have to fold us away before things got too out of hand—I didn't think Jayd would appreciate an amorous couple making love on top of his central dome.
