Page 22 of Sapphire

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My wolf lets loose a rage-filled howl before charging at the other male, knocking him to the ground. Jaws snap, and teeth gnash as we battle for dominance and the upper hand in this brawl. It feels like it takes forever for me to clamp my teeth around his throat and rip out his jugular, but it couldn’t have taken more than a few minutes.

My breathing is labored, and my body is in pain. I have blood oozing from more than a few places on my body. And even through all that, I only have a single thought running through my mind.


Chapter Nineteen

Not today, asshole

Talulla Smith

The fight is brutal. They move at speeds that would be impossible for the human eye to be able to track in the dark, but I can see everything. My heightened senses allow me to follow them as their wolves bite, tear, and rend flesh from the bone.

My heart is beating harshly, and it feels like I can’t breathe when I watch the two massive animals roll around on the grass. My wolf whines in the back of my mind, worrying for our mate, and instilling fear in both of us.

And then it’s over.

Silas is victorious, his wolf covered in blood but proud. He throws his head back, howling at the moon, making sure that every shifter for miles knows that he has defeated his enemy.

I watch in awe as the members of the Whychwood pack fall to their knees, bowing to their Alpha—all but one.

Everything seems to happen in slow motion. Silas shifts back to his human form. Gloriously naked. I can

I can’t imagine anything more beautiful than my warrior mate, even covered in blood and dirt. His gaze is trained on me; determination scrolled across his features.

I want to run to him but my focus is locked on the man behind him.


The sharp blade in his hand glints in the pale moonlight and I know that if I don’t act quickly this entire night will have been in vain.

I don’t contemplate my actions; I simply allow my wolf to take over. Lunging forward I let the change shimmer over me before knocking my mate to the ground. I land on top of Daryl, rage vibrating through me at the intent this man was carrying in his heart. I don’t wait for him to shift or allow him any time to protect himself. Instead, I follow in the footsteps of my mate and rip his throat out.

Panting I stand above his body, blood streaming from my maw as I glare at all the people gathered here. The adrenaline quickly subsides, and it is only then that I feel the pain in my right side. My wolf collapses before receeding back into my mind, leaving me naked and bleeding on the forest floor.


The light is blinding. Why the hell is it so bright in here?

A moan falls from my lips as I use my arm to cover my eyes. A sharp pain tugs at my side, and all the memories come flashing back. Silas, the fight, Daryl, his death, me getting hurt.


Sitting upright, I take in my surroundings. This is Silas’ room. Our room. I look around, hoping to find my mate but he is nowhere to be seen. My hand drifts to the bandage at my side, and although it still hurts like a bitch I know that I will survive.

The door opens slowly, and I watch Silas carry a tray laden with food.

“You’re awake,” he breathes.

I nod, unable to form the words. None explain how overwhelmingly happy I am to see him alive. A tear tracks its way down my cheek before I start to sob uncontrollably.

Silas places the tray beside the bed before taking me into his arms. It hurts my side when he picks me up to cradle me against his chest, but I can honestly say I don’t give a flying fuck. Being in his arms is all I need right now.

“Don’t cry, little mate.” He tries to console me, his hand rubbing down my back as I burrow deeper into him, breathing in his scent.

“Silas,” I mumble.

My hands are working at his clothes, trying to get to his skin underneath, but he stops me, a concerned look marring his handsome features.
