Page 10 of Catching Their Mate

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Letting the enemy give me the best orgasm of my life and not doing a damn thing to stop it? Yeah, check that one too.

And now? Now I am in the front seat of a massive forest-green pickup truck being driven to God knows where. They are probably going to kill me and serve me at dinner. A-la-spit-roast style.

I have no idea how I am going to get myself out of this mess I have created. And the weirdest part? I’m not scared. Not. One. Bit.

For some reason, I don’t think Sayer or Raleigh will hurt me. What’s worse is the strange confidence I have in these shifters to protect me from any harm. Even from their friends. I don’t know them and I sure as shit shouldn’t trust them to keep me alive in this situation, but it is the most intense gut feeling I have ever had in my entire life.

Sayer drives us deeper into the dark forest, dressed in pair of grey sweatpants, country music softly playing on the radio while Raleigh snores on the back seat where his brother put him. He looks peaceful. Hopefully, he won’t wake up until after I’ve been killed. I don’t want to have to apologize and beg for my life at the same time.

“What are you thinking about?” Sayer asks, pulling me from my thoughts.

“Not like it matters,” I say with a huff, crossing my arms over my chest. “I’ll probably be dead in the next hour.”

“Dead?” He sounds shocked. “Why would you be dead?”

A hysterical chuckle escapes me. “I know what you shifters do to hunters.”

“Which is?”

“I can’t believe you’re going to make me say it. That’s really cruel, you know?” When he doesn’t speak, I continue. “You’re going to kill me and feed me to your pack.”

A riotous roar of laughter leaves Sayer. “Are you crazy?” he asks once he gets himself under control.

“Don’t call me that,” I hiss.

“Look,” he says bringing the truck to a stop outside a massive gate. “We are just like normal people except for two differences. We have fated mates, and we need to go for a run as wolves every now and then.”

I stare at him in disbelief. “You can’t expect me to believe that bullshit.”

“Believe whatever you want, little huntress. I’m not the one that’s been lying since we met.”

Heat infuses my face. I feel like a child being scolded by an adult. Could this day possibly get any worse?

“Where are you taking me?” I ask softly.

I need to remember my training instead of panicking. I need to know where we are headed and make sure I know which route he took so I can get away from these monsters once I escape. I need to fucking focus.

“I am going to take you to our Alpha.” His words are low, and I can see the frown creasing his forehead. “Caine needs to decide your fate.”

“And then?” I ask with no small amount of trepidation lacing my words.

“I don’t know, little huntress,” he says with a sigh before silence once more envelops us.


The drive to the pack compound takes a little less than an hour. The road, if you can even call it that, isn’t suitable for any type of vehicle except a truck or something like it. Blind fear flows through my entire body with every harsh pump of my heart once we reach the compound. Seeing the high walls and large gates beneath the thick canopy of trees has my throat closing in pure unadulterated terror.

Remember that fear I wasn’t feeling? I am drowning in it right now.

“Breathe,” Sayer says, holding my hand firmly in his. “I won’t let anything happen to you.”

I make a broken sound from somewhere deep inside myself at what can only be a blatant lie. Slowly, the gate opens, and Sayer maneuvers the truck inside only using his free hand. The longer he touches me, the calmer I feel. Strange.

We drive past houses and what looks like one of those great halls you see in foreign films until we reach a single-story house. I can see that many of the lights inside are on and there are people milling about. On the porch stands a woman. She has long blonde hair and a curvy figure I would die for.

She doesn’t wait for us to get out of the truck, instead approaching us.

“Sayer,” she says leaning in through the window with a smile.
